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Ripley: [watching Ash examine the creature] That's amazing. What is it?
Ash: Uh, yes, it is. Umm. I don't know yet. Did you want something?
Ripley: Yes, I, uh... have a little talk. How's, uh, how's Kane?
Ash: He's holding, no changes.
Ripley: And, uh, our guest?
Ash: Umm.
Ripley: Hmm?
Ash: Well, as I said, I'm still... collating, actually, but uh, I have confirmed that he's got an outer layer of protein polysaccharides. Has a funny habit of shedding his cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, which gives him a prolonged resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Is that enough?
Ripley: That's plenty. What does it mean?
[Ripley bends down to look through the micro-scanner]
Ash: Please don't do that. Thank you.
Ripley: I'm sorry.
Ash: Well, it's an interesting combination of elements making him a... tough little son-of-a-bitch.
Ripley: And you let him in.
Ash: I was obeying a direct order. Remember?
Ripley: Ash. When Dallas and Kane are off the ship, I'm Senior Officer.
Ash: Oh, yes, I forgot.
Ripley: You also forgot the Science Division's basic quarantine law.
Ash: No, that I didn't forget.
Ripley: Oh, I see, you just broke it. Hmm?
Ash: Look, what would you have done with Kane, hmm? You know his only chance of survival was to get him in here.
Ripley: Unfortunately, by, uh, breaking quarantine, you risk everybody's life.
Ash: Maybe I should have left him outside. Maybe I've jeopardized the rest of us, but it was a risk I was willing to take.
Ripley: That's a pretty big risk for a Science Officer. It's, uh, not exactly out of the manual, is it?
Ash: I do take my responsibilities as seriously as you, you know. You do your job and let me do mine, yes?

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