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Kaffee: These are phone records from Gitmo for September the 6th, and these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote, in 9 months, requesting, in fact begging, for a transfer. Upon hearing the news that he was FINALLY getting his transfer, Santiago was so excited that do you know how many people he called? Zero. Nobody. Not one call to his parents saying he was coming home. Not one call to a friend saying "Can you pick me up at the airport?". He was asleep in his bed at midnight, and according to you, he was getting on a plane in 6 hours. Yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet, and folded neatly in his footlocker. You were leaving for one day, you packed a bag and made three phone calls. Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life, and he hadn't called a soul, and he hadn't packed a thing. Can you explain that? The fact is there was no transfer order, Santiago wasn't going anywhere, isn't that right Colonel?
Ross: Object! Your honor, it is obvious that Lt. Kaffee's intentions this afternoon are to smear a high ranking Marine officer with the hopes that the mere appearance of impropriety will win him points with the court members. Now, it is my recommendation that Lt. Kaffee be reprimanded for his conduct and that this witness be excused with this court's deepest apologies.
Judge Randolph: Overruled.
Ross: Your honor--
Judge Randolph: Your objection is noted.
Kaffee: Colonel? [Jessep chuckles] Is this funny, sir?
Jessep: No, it's not. It's tragic.
Kaffee: Do you have an answer?
Jessep: Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me you have something more, Lieutenant. These two marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me that their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill. [Kaffee hesitates, dumbfounded] Do you have any other questions for me, Counselor?
Judge Randolph: Lt. Kaffee? Lt.! Do you have anything further for this witness?
[Jessep defiantly gets up to leave the courtroom]
Jessep: Thanks, Danny. I love Washington.
Kaffee: Excuse Me! I didn't dismiss you.
Jessep: I beg your pardon?
Kaffee: 'm not finished my examination. Sit down.
Jessep: Colonel.
Kaffee: What's that?
Jessep: I'd appreciate it if he would address me as "Colonel" or "Sir". I believe I've earned it.
Judge Randolph: Defense Counsel will refer to the witness as "Colonel" or "Sir."
Jessep: I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here.
Judge Randolph: And you will refer to this court as "Your Honor" or "Judge", and I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel.
Jessep:: What do you want to discuss now, my favorite color?

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