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Dorothy: I took advantage of you and worst of all, I'm not alone. I did this with a kid. I was just on some ride where I thought I was in 1ove enough for both of us. I did this. And at least I can do something about it now.
Jerry: Well -- I'm not the guy who's going to run. I stick.
Dorothy: I don't need you to "stick."
Jerry: What do you want from me? My soul?
Dorothy: Why not? I deserve that much.
Jerry: What if I'm just not built that way?
Dorothy: I think we made a mistake here.
Jerry: What if it's true? "Great at friendship bad at intimacy." I mean, come on. It's the theme of my bachelor party film --
Dorothy: I know. I watched it. I sort of know it by heart.
Jerry: I don't like to give up.
Dorothy: Oh please. My need to make the best of things, and your need to be what, "responsible"... if one of us doesn't say something now we might lose ten years being polite about it. Why don't we call this next road trip what it is. A nice long break.
Jerry: What about Ray?
Dorothy: There's no question you'll be friends. Of course you'll be friends.
Jerry: So this break... is a break-up.
Dorothy: Come on, Jerry. You know this isn't easy for me. I mean, on the surface, you'd almost think everything was fine. See, I've got this great guy who loves my kid -- and he sure does like me a lot. I can't live that way. It's not the way I'm built.

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