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Mickey: But I came to the direction I need a gun. So, the next day I started off early for work, and I'm gonna stop by a gun shop and pick up a little home protection. I walked into the place and had never seen so many guns in all my life. So, I'm looking around, then this really nice sales guy comes up to me. His name was Warren. I'll never forget his name. He was really nice. Anyway, Warren showed me all these different models of guns. Magnums, automatics, pistols, Walters. And I ask to see a shotgun. He brings me a Mossberg pump action shotgun. As soon as I held that baby in my hands, I knew what I was gonna do. It felt so good. It felt like it was a part of me. They had a mirror in the store. I looked at myself holding it, and looked so ****ing good, I immediately bought it. Bought a bunch of boxes of ammo. Turned my car around, drove to Mallory's house, we took care of Mallory's parents, packed up the car, and we were off. Everybody thought I'd gone crazy. The cops, my mom, everybody. But you see, they all missed the point of the story. I wasn't crazy. But when I was holding the shotgun, it all became clear. I realized for the first time my one true calling in life.
Wayne Gale: What's that?
Mickey: I'm a natural born killer.

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