Point Break quotes
36 total quotesBohdi
Johnny Utah
Multiple Characters
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...last time you had a feeling I had to kill a guy, and I hate that... It looks bad on my report.
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100% pure adrenaline!
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22 years. Man, L.A. has changed a lot during that time. The air got dirty and the sex got clean.
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15: Surfing's the source man... swear to God.
Abraham Lincoln: Gentlemen, I promised to take Mrs. Lincoln to Ford's Theater tonight. We'll continue this tomorrow.
Ben Harp: [Walking Utah through the FBI office] You know nothing. In fact, you know less than nothing. If you knew that you knew nothing, then that would be something, but you don't.
Surfer: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Jonny, how do you feel about that?
Abraham Lincoln: Gentlemen, I promised to take Mrs. Lincoln to Ford's Theater tonight. We'll continue this tomorrow.
Ben Harp: [Walking Utah through the FBI office] You know nothing. In fact, you know less than nothing. If you knew that you knew nothing, then that would be something, but you don't.
Surfer: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Jonny, how do you feel about that?
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Australian cop at the end of the movie: We'll get him when he comes back in!
Johnny Utah: He's not coming back.
Johnny Utah: He's not coming back.
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Ben Harp: Do you think that taxpayers would like it, Utah, if they knew that they were paying a federal agent to surf and pick up girls?
Johnny Utah: Babes.
Ben Harp: I beg your pardon?
Johnny Utah: The correct term is "babes", sir.
Johnny Utah: Babes.
Ben Harp: I beg your pardon?
Johnny Utah: The correct term is "babes", sir.
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Ben Harp: Special agent Utah. This is not some job flipping burgers at the local drive-in! Yes! - your surfboard bothers me! Yes! - your approach to this whole goddamn case bothers me! And yes! - YOU BOTHER ME!!! And Pappas! Oh, for the love of Christ. How the hell did I even let you talk me into this whole bone-headed idea to begin with?!
Pappas: Harp! We are working under-cover. It takes time. We've produced a few...
Ben Harp: NO, no, no, no, no-no-no-NO! Let me tell you what you've produced... Over the last two weeks, you two have produced exactly SQUAT! SQUAT!!! During which time the Ex-Presidents have robbed two more banks!! Now for Christ's sake, does either one of you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me?
[Brief pause]
Johnny Utah: I caught my first tube today... sir.
Ben Harp: Goddammit! [pushes them both out]
Pappas: Harp! We are working under-cover. It takes time. We've produced a few...
Ben Harp: NO, no, no, no, no-no-no-NO! Let me tell you what you've produced... Over the last two weeks, you two have produced exactly SQUAT! SQUAT!!! During which time the Ex-Presidents have robbed two more banks!! Now for Christ's sake, does either one of you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me?
[Brief pause]
Johnny Utah: I caught my first tube today... sir.
Ben Harp: Goddammit! [pushes them both out]
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Ben Harp: You're a real blue flame special, aren't you, son? Young, dumb and full of ****, I know. What I don't know is how you got assigned here. Guess we must just have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh?
Johnny Utah: [quietly] Not so far.
Johnny Utah: [quietly] Not so far.
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Bodhi: It's basic dog psychology, if you scare them and get them peeing down their leg, they submit. But if you project weakness, that promotes violence, and that's how people get hurt.
Roach: Peace, through superior firepower.
Roach: Peace, through superior firepower.
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DEA Agent Deets: You think you're real cowboys, huh? Batman and Robin, huh! You know what this is? You know what this is, punk? This is two kilos, uncut, crystal meth!
Pappas: Awwwww, Shit!
Ben Harp: Special agent, Utah! I like you to meet Agent Deets. He was working deep cover until...
DEA Agent Deets: [Interrupts] You think I like this hair, man! You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramanda! I've been working on these ****ers for THREE MONTHS! THREE MONTHS! Now I finally got them to play wheel of fortune with me so I could find out who their suppliers is. Then you ****in' cowboys show up!
Pappas: Nice tattoo, Deets!
DEA Agent Deets: Oh, you like that Pappas, huh? **** you!
Pappas: Jesus!
DEA Agent Deets: All I wanna know, smart guy! All I wanna know is how these guys could be robbin' Tarzana City National on August 2nd when they were in Fort ****in' Lauderdale August 2nd? Why don't you figure that out, huh?
Ben Harp: That's not an easy thing to do, is it, Utah?
DEA Agent Deets: [Slams bags of meth into Utah's chest] ****in' jerks!
Pappas: Awwwww, Shit!
Ben Harp: Special agent, Utah! I like you to meet Agent Deets. He was working deep cover until...
DEA Agent Deets: [Interrupts] You think I like this hair, man! You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramanda! I've been working on these ****ers for THREE MONTHS! THREE MONTHS! Now I finally got them to play wheel of fortune with me so I could find out who their suppliers is. Then you ****in' cowboys show up!
Pappas: Nice tattoo, Deets!
DEA Agent Deets: Oh, you like that Pappas, huh? **** you!
Pappas: Jesus!
DEA Agent Deets: All I wanna know, smart guy! All I wanna know is how these guys could be robbin' Tarzana City National on August 2nd when they were in Fort ****in' Lauderdale August 2nd? Why don't you figure that out, huh?
Ben Harp: That's not an easy thing to do, is it, Utah?
DEA Agent Deets: [Slams bags of meth into Utah's chest] ****in' jerks!
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Diving Instructor: Heads up, Pappas. I want to see you retrieve at least two bricks.
Pappas: [puts on blindfold] I've been on the job for over 20 years, and I fail to see what fishing bricks from the bottom of a pool has got to do with bank robbery. And on top of that, they got me babysitting some quarterback punk, named Johnny Unitas or something.
Johnny Utah: The shit they pull, huh?
Pappas: Yeah!
Diving Instructor: Pappas... meet your new partner.
Pappas: What?
[removes blindfold]
Johnny Utah: [waves]
Pappas: Pappas. Angelo Pappas.
Johnny Utah: Punk. Quarterback Punk.
Pappas: [puts on blindfold] I've been on the job for over 20 years, and I fail to see what fishing bricks from the bottom of a pool has got to do with bank robbery. And on top of that, they got me babysitting some quarterback punk, named Johnny Unitas or something.
Johnny Utah: The shit they pull, huh?
Pappas: Yeah!
Diving Instructor: Pappas... meet your new partner.
Pappas: What?
[removes blindfold]
Johnny Utah: [waves]
Pappas: Pappas. Angelo Pappas.
Johnny Utah: Punk. Quarterback Punk.
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Johnny Utah: [shouts from the shore] The name's Johnny Utah!
Tyler Ann Endicott: [paddling away] Who cares?!
Tyler Ann Endicott: [paddling away] Who cares?!
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Johnny Utah: Bohdi! This is your wakeup call: I AM AN F... B... I AGENT!
Bodhi: I know, isn't it wild!
Bodhi: I know, isn't it wild!
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Johnny Utah: I'm not armed.
[lifts up his shirt to Bodhi]
Bodhi: But, you're not alone.
Johnny Utah: Good guess. There is a guy on you now.
Johnny Utah: Where is Roach?
Bodhi: He's around somewhere. Listen Johnny, we're in a kind of a hurry is there anything you need?
Johnny Utah: You gotta tell me where she is.
Bodhi: Oh yeah, and let my policy expire. Good idea.
Johnny Utah: Look Bodhi, people are dead, the ride is over.
Bodhi: Oh no no no. I say when it's over.
Johnny Utah: They will nail you wherever you land. They'll use something new called radar, maybe you've heard of it.
Bodhi: What is your...
Johnny Utah: Bodhi, I know you man. When they fall on you, you won't back down and they'll have to burn your ass to the ground.
Bodhi: Shit happens.
Johnny Utah: You gotta death wish. You want to ride to glory, fine. But, don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, and I walk away.
Bodhi: You walk away?
Johnny Utah: I walk away.
Bodhi: That's beautiful Johnny.
[lifts up his shirt to Bodhi]
Bodhi: But, you're not alone.
Johnny Utah: Good guess. There is a guy on you now.
Johnny Utah: Where is Roach?
Bodhi: He's around somewhere. Listen Johnny, we're in a kind of a hurry is there anything you need?
Johnny Utah: You gotta tell me where she is.
Bodhi: Oh yeah, and let my policy expire. Good idea.
Johnny Utah: Look Bodhi, people are dead, the ride is over.
Bodhi: Oh no no no. I say when it's over.
Johnny Utah: They will nail you wherever you land. They'll use something new called radar, maybe you've heard of it.
Bodhi: What is your...
Johnny Utah: Bodhi, I know you man. When they fall on you, you won't back down and they'll have to burn your ass to the ground.
Bodhi: Shit happens.
Johnny Utah: You gotta death wish. You want to ride to glory, fine. But, don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, and I walk away.
Bodhi: You walk away?
Johnny Utah: I walk away.
Bodhi: That's beautiful Johnny.
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Johnny Utah: Okay. I get it. This is where you tell me that "locals rule", and that Yuppie insects like me shouldn't be surfing the break, right?
Bunker Weiss: [smiling] Nope.
Surf gang: That would be a waste of time...
Lupton "Warchild" Pittman: We're just gonna **** you up!
Bunker Weiss: [smiling] Nope.
Surf gang: That would be a waste of time...
Lupton "Warchild" Pittman: We're just gonna **** you up!