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Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama

Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama quotes

48 total quotes


View Quote [Hanuman comes face to face with Ravana in the King's Court]
Prahastha: You there! What is your name, and who has sent you to Lanka?
[Hanuman levitates on his tail, which increases in length so that he is at eye level with Ravana]
Hanuman:Oh Lord of Lanka! I am Hanuman! I come to you with respect as a messenger of Lord Sugriva, the vanara King and devoted friend of Rama, Prince of Ayodhya! You know it was a cowardly act to carry off Princess Sita, totally contrary to Dharma! This will surely end in your destruction, and in the destruction of your race! Restore Sita to the Prince, and seek his forgiveness!
Ravana: [after a pause] Kill him.
Vibhishana: Brother, according to the Law of Kings, you may mutilate, brand or whip a messenger. But kill him?
Ravana: Why, what's wrong with killing a creature such as this?
Vibhishana: If you slay him, what chance is there of our real enemies approaching us?
Ravana: Oh alright! But set fire to his tail first, then let him go home!
View Quote A husband's duty is his wife's too. Your fate is equally mine.
View Quote Brace yourself, Rama! You cannot grieve and fret at a time like this! Your despair will damage the morale of our troops, more than the enemy's arrows!
View Quote For the sake of a friend, a man should be ready to give up his wealth, his goods, and if need be, life itself. I will live by this dharma and help Rama in every way.
View Quote I'm not so dumb to be trapped by a monkey like you!
View Quote If you're scared of bloodshed, how can you fight?
View Quote Know that nature is but a magic theatre, and in the great mother's magic play, all of us perform our little roles.
View Quote Lakshman, they were our men and Ravan's men when they were alive. But in deaths, they're no longer enemies. Do they not all deserve a solemn cremation?
View Quote May you rest in peace, brother Ravana
View Quote My day begins only when I see your face. But you? You won't even look at me. Do you not see I'm starving for your love?
View Quote Oh Lord of Lanka! I am Hanuman! I come to you with respect as a messenger of Lord Sugriva, the vanara King and devoted friend of Rama, Prince of Ayodhya! You know it was a cowardly act to carry off Princess Sita, totally contrary to Dharma! This will surely end in your destruction, and in the destruction of your race! Restore Sita to the Prince, and seek his forgiveness!
View Quote Rama: This battle between you and I shall be the end of it all! [addresses the enemy soldiers] Soldiers of Lanka, take heed! Your King Ravana, whom you consider to be a symbol of eternal power, watch him die at the hands of a mere mortal! Ravan: Rama, tell me where your conceit comes from! Your boastful lips will never speak such words again!! [addresses his own soldiers] Brave soldiers of Lanka! You know only too well who's the mightiest of all here! [turns to Rama] Come on Rama! Fight! Rama: So be it, Ravan! Fight! [Rama and Ravan charge towards each other and clash with their swords] [Rama and Ravan are repeatedly attacking each other's swords. Rama tries to attack but Ravan counters and lifts Rama high in the air making Rama land on the ground and slide] Rama: [Screams in pain] Ravan: [Laughs] [Rama gets up and tries to stab Ravan but gets countered and slammed onto a wall and falls. Ravan tries to kill Rama but Rama jumps and beheads Ravan] Rama's army + Sita [In delight for Rama's safety] [Ravan's head begins to grow but Rama cuts it off again] Rama: Now he's dead! [Rama retreats back but Ravan morphs into a giant demon] Rama: I can't believe my own eyes! Ravan: Thought I was finished did you!! Wait till I get my hands on you!! [Sita, Lakshman ... worry for Rama's life. Rama looks up at the great demon in fear] [Ravan summons an arrow and fires it at Rama. The arrow explodes launching Rama up and landing harshly on the ground. Rama is now covered in wounds.] Rama: [Screams in pain while wounds are inflicting pain] [Ravan summons a fiery arrow and throws it at Rama who is struggling to get up. Rama narrowly dodges but is encircled in fire] Ravan: Let's see how you get out of this one! [Rama is in fear of the fire but he prays and a chakra appears. Rama uses the chakra to put out the fire and prays again] Ravan: [Charging towards Rama] You are going to far now I tell you!1 [Ravan grabs Rama and crushes him. Ravan then throws Rama onto a wall and Rama falls onto the ground very harshly. Rama is now covered with even more wounds and bruises] Rama: [Screams heavily in pain and is unable to fight back due to wounds] Ravan: Laughs evilly at the weak and dying Rama who is lying on the ground [Rama tries to get up but can't. He sees the chakra and slowly crawls to it but his wounds and pain is holding him back.] Ravan: [Upon seeing Rama crawl to the chakra] Don't you dare!! [Rama touches the chakra but is unable to grab it. His wounds are getting worse and is in serious pain] Ravan: [While laughing at the heavily wounded Rama] Give up Rama! Give up! [Rama prays for help and the chakra enlarges. Rama slowly gets up with heavy pain and throws the chakra at Ravan which kills him. The body of Ravan falls onto the wall while Rama is trying to get up.]
View Quote So be it Ravan! Fight! [Rama arms himself with a sword]
View Quote Thank you all. But when I think of those people who died for me, I feel sad. I will meditate, and pray from now onwards, and beg their forgiveness.
View Quote The same soul should follow the same fate. And so brother, I too am coming with you.