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Future Mordecai: Ceasefire! Rigby and Benson, you're outnumbered! Dude, you can totally stop this bloodshed! Give up!
Future Rigby: Hey, traitor! How's the hand holding up?! [he gets angry, then a warp hole and came out is Mr. Ross]
Mr. Ross: Ha! Ha! Ha! You might want to listen to your little friend here. While you're still alive.
Future Benson: Go stuff it, Ross!
Future Rigby: Yeah! You need to chill out, man! Forget all about erasing time business!
Mr. Ross: "Chill out!?" Oh, I think I was pretty chilled out, when I went to prison because of you and Mordecai's little stunt back in high school But I guess I should thank you for creating this wonderful weapon.
Future Benson: What are you talking about?
Mr. Ross: Mordecai and Rigby created the Timenado.
Future Benson: What?
Future Rigby: LIAR!
Mr. Ross: Oh, I'm the liar?! HA! That's a good one! Isn't that a good one, Mordecai?
Future Mordecai: Yeah, hilarious. I know what you did, Rigby! And I'll never forgive you!
Future Rigby: [gasps]
Past Mordecai: Dude, I didn't get in.
[flashback ends]
Future Benson: Commander Rigby!
Future Rigby: It was such a long time ago! I didn't do anything.
Future Benson: I don't need you to tell what you did. If we get of here, could you fix it? Rigby, fix this. That's an order. RAAAH!!!
Future Rigby: No, Admiral!
Future Benson: Run! Run! [starts shooting forces] This one's for Pops! And Skips! And Muscle Man! And Fives!
[Mr. Ross hits a volleyball bomb at Benson and it blows up and Benson dies]
Future Rigby: Stupid! STUPID!!
[he gets inside his ship and then he takes off, as a blue ship goes after him. Now cut to Future Rigby's ship, Future Rigby is preparing for time travel]
Computer: Time circuits on.
Future Rigby: Take me back to high school! Gotta fix this!
Computer: Calculating time jump.
[Then Future Mordecai's ship shows up and aims his gun at Future Rigby]
Future Mordecai: Stop that ship in the name of Lord Ross!
Future Rigby: What happened to you, man? How can you work for him!?
Future Mordecai: I couldn't stay at the park forever! I have to think about my career!
Future Rigby: What about your friends?
Future Mordecai: We're not friends! We haven't been friends since a long time!
[The the Time button shows up]
Computer: Course, plotted.
Future Mordecai: Press that button and I will shoot you!
Future Rigby: Hey, Mordecai, GO AHEAD!!
[Future Rigby presses the Time warp button, Future Mordecai and Rigby fire each other as Rigby's ship goes faster]

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