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Rise of the Guardians

Rise of the Guardians quotes

70 total quotes

Jack Frost
Jamie Bennett
Pitch Black

View Quote [flashback]
Jack: Would I trick you?
Jack's sister: Yes! You always play tricks!
View Quote [Jack and Baby Tooth follow a familiar voice to Pitch's lair]
Pitch: [from the shadows] Looking for something? [Jack shoots some ice at the voice, and flies around, looking for Pitch] Don't be afraid, Jack. [steps out from the shadows] I'm not gonna hurt you.
Jack: Afraid? I'm not afraid of you.
Pitch: Maybe not, but you are afraid of something.
Jack: You think so, huh?
Pitch: I know so. It's the one thing I always know: People's greatest fears. Yours is that no one will ever believe in you. [Pitch disappears again] And worst of all, you're afraid you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you chosen? To be like this? Well, fear not. For the answer to that is right here. [holds out the canister containing Jack's childhood teeth] Do you want them, Jack? Your memories? [Jack reaches for the canister, but withdraws his hand. Pitch disappears again] Everything you wanted to know, in this little box. Why did you end up like this? Unseen. Unable to reach out to anyone. You want the answers so badly. You want to grab them and fly off with them, but you're afraid of what the Guardians will think. You're afraid of disappointing them. Well, let me ease your mind about one thing: They'll never accept you. Not really.
Jack: Stop it! Stop it!
Pitch: After all, you're not one of them.
Jack: [firmly] You don't know what I am!
Pitch: Course I do! You're Jack Frost. You make a mess wherever you go. Why, you're doing it right now. [tosses Jack the canister]
Jack: What did you do?
Pitch: More to the point, Jack, what did you do?
[Pitch disappears, laughing. Furious, Jack lunges at him, but instead finds himself in a dark tunnel. He suddenly remembers that he left Baby Tooth behind. He tries to go back, but finds the tunnel blocked.]
Jack: Baby Tooth!
Pitch: [disembodied] Happy Easter, Jack.
[Jack turns around and discovers, to his horror, that Pitch destroyed Bunny's Easter eggs.]
Jack: No...
View Quote [Jack and Tooth collect the tooth Jamie lost the other day]
Tooth: Left central incisor knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could've happened, Jack?
Jack: [looking at Jamie's drawing of his sledding adventure; embarrassed] Kids, huh?
Tooth: [gives Jack an amused smile and leaves a coin under Jamie's pillow] This was always the part I liked most - seeing the kids... Why did I ever stop doing this?
Jack: Hmm. It's a little different up close, huh?
Tooth: Thanks for being here, Jack. [touches his shoulder, looking guilty] I wish I'd know about your memory. I could have helped you...
Jack: Yeah, well... Look, let's just get you taken care of, then it's Pitch's turn.
View Quote [Jamie is floating outside Pippa's window trying to get her attention]
Pippa: Jamie, how are you doing that?!
Jamie: [gestures behind him] Jack Frost! Come on, we need your help! [flies off]
Pippa: [one of Jack's magic snowflakes lands on her nose and Jack becomes visible to her, flying off with Jamie] Hey, is that...?
Monty: [from next door] Jack Frost!
View Quote [Moonlight shines down on the Guardians, signifying the Man in the Moon's presence]
North: It's been a long time, old friend! What is big news?
[A silhouette of Pitch appears in the moonlight]
Bunnymund: It is Pitch!
[North pats his belly as if to say, "I told you so" to Bunny and turns his attention back to the Man in the Moon]
North: Manny, what must we do?
[Under the moonlight, a compartment opens to reveal a large crystal stand]
Tooth: Uh, guys, you know what this means?
North: He's choosing a new Guardian!
Bunnymund: What?! Why?!
North: Must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help.
Bunnymund: Since when do we need help?
Tooth: I wonder who it's gonna be. [Sandy conjures a sand four-leaf clover] Maybe the leprechaun?
Bunnymund: Please not the groundhog, please not the groundhog...
[Light from the crystal starts to take form, revealing the image of a young, hooded man carrying a staff.]
North: Jack Frost.
[Tooth's fairies swoon admiringly]
Bunnymund: Uh... I take it back, the groundhog's fine.
Tooth: [stares dreamily at the image, then quickly gathers herself] Well, as long as he helps to, uh, to protect the children, right?
Bunnymund: Jack Frost?! He doesn't care about children! All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Right? He's an irresponsible, selfish--
North: Guardian.
Bunnymund: Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian!
View Quote [North is giving Jack a tour of his workshop]
Jack: Hey, slow down, would ya? I've been trying to bust in here for years, I want a good look!
North: (sternly yet amused) What do you mean "bust in"?
Jack: Oh, don't worry. I never got past the yetis. [to a yeti who is giving him a menacing look; casually] Oh, hey, Phil.
North: Keep up, Jack! Keep up!
Jack: [seeing all of North's yetis assembling toys] I always thought the elves made the toys.
North: (whispering) We just let them believe that. [to a group of elves, assembling a rickety toy] Very nice! Keep up good work!
[Jack gives an amused smile]
View Quote [North is trying to explain to Jack what a "center" is, using a w:Matryoshka doll. Jack takes it apart and sees at the center...]
Jack: (dryly) There's a tiny wooden baby.
North: Look closer. What do you see?
Jack: You have big eyes...
North: Yes! Big eyes, very big, because they are full of wonder. That is my center. It is what I was born with, eyes that have only seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air. This wonder is what I put into the world, and what I protect in children. It is what makes me a guardian. It is my center. What is yours?
Jack: I don't know.
[Jack tries to give back the doll but North signals him to keep it]
View Quote [North's antics suddenly wake up Jamie]
Jamie: [shining his flashlight on each] Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? Sandman? The Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!
Tooth: Surprise! We came! [laughs awkwardly]
Jack: [stunned] He can see us?
Bunnymund: Most of us.
[Jamie looks around, seeing all but Jack, whose face falls as he realizes that he is still invisible]
View Quote [North, Bunny and Sandy are taking Jack to Tooth's palace]
Jack: I told you, I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety, old... sleigh. [sees North's impressive sleigh] Okay. One ride, but that's it.
North: Everyone loves the sleigh. [everyone except Bunny climbs in] Bunny, what are you waiting for?
Bunnymund: (nervously) I think my tunnels might be faster, mate. And, uh... and safer.
North: Ach, get in! [grabs Bunny and puts him in the sleigh] Buckle up!
Bunnymund: (scared) Whoa, whoa, whoa! WHERE ARE THE BLOODY SEATBELTS?!
North: Ha! That was just expression!
View Quote [Pitch and his nightmares have raided Tooth's palace, stealing the teeth and kidnapping all but one of her fairies]
Jack: I'm sorry about the fairies.
Tooth: You should have seen them. They put up such a fight...
Jack: Why would Pitch take the teeth?
Tooth: It's not the teeth he wanted. It's the memories inside them.
Jack: What do you mean?
Tooth: That's why we collect the teeth, Jack. They hold the most important memories of childhood. [leads Jack to a mural depicting her duties as the Tooth Fairy] My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them. We had everyone's here. [touches Jack's shoulder] Yours, too.
Jack: My memories?
Tooth: From when you were young; before you became Jack Frost.
Jack: But... I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost.
Tooth: [puzzled] Well, of course you were. We were all someone before we were chosen.
Jack: [shocked] What?
North: [chuckling] You should have seen Bunny. Ha ha!
Bunnymund: Hey, I told you never to mention that!
Jack: That night at the pond, I just-- I-I assumed... So you're saying, I had a life before that, with... with a home, and... and a family?!
Tooth: [surprised] You really don't remember?
View Quote [Pitch approaches the weakened Guardians and Jamie]
Jamie: Jack, I'm scared!
[Jack puts his hand on Jamie's shoulder and goes to reassure him, but flashes back to his sister on the pond]
Jack's sister: Jack, I'm scared!
Jack: I know, but you're gonna be alright, [returns to the present, to himself] we're gonna have a little fun instead! That's it, that's my center!
[Jamie looks confused]
Pitch: [taunting] So, what do you think Jamie? Do you believe in the Boogey-- [gets hit in the face by one of Jack's snowballs causing the Guardians and Jamie to laugh while the Nightmares look confused]
Jack: [spots some nearby trashcan lids, to Jamie] Now let's go get your friends.
View Quote [Pitch gleefully dances on the Globe of Belief at the North Pole, snuffing out lights]
Pitch: Only six left! Six precious children who still believe in the Guardians with all their hearts! Make that... [snuffs one out] Five! [snuffs out another one] Four! [snuffs out another one] Three! [snuffs out two at the same time, his ecstasy escalating] Two! [snaps his fingers three times, but the last light doesn't go out; cold and angry] One!
Jack: [looks at Pitch's globe and excitedly realizes who it is] Jamie!
View Quote [The Guardians find Jamie's toddler sister Sophie in Bunny's warren]
Bunnymund: What is SHE doing HERE?!
North: [feels around his coat] Uh, snow globe...
Bunny: Crikey! Somebody do something!
Jack: [holds hands up, amused] Don't look at me. I'm invisible, remember?
Sophie: [pulling an elf by its hat] Elf! Elf!
Tooth: Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan. [strikes a pose in the air and approaches Sophie] It's okay, little one.
Sophie: Pretty!
Tooth: Aww. You know what? I've got something for you. Here it is! [holds out some teeth] Look at all the pretty teeth, with little blood and gum on them!
[Beat, then Sophie shrieks and runs away]
Jack: [laughing] Blood and gums? When was the last time any of you actually hung out with kids?
Sophie: [playing hide-and-go-seek with Bunny's eggs] PEEK-A-BOO!
North: We are very busy bringing joy to children. We don't have time... [realizes what he's saying] for children.
Jack: [creates a snowflake for Sophie to chase] If one little kid can ruin Easter, then we're in worse shape than I thought.
View Quote [The rabbit Jack conjured up explodes into snowflakes]
Jamie: Whoa! [laughs, then stops, confused] Snow...? [a snowflake lands on Jamieā€™s nose, and his eyes widen] ...Jack Frost!
Jack: Did he just say...?
Jamie: Jack Frost?
Jack: [gasps, shocked] He said it again! He said... You said...
Jamie: [finally turns around and gapes at Jack] Jack Frost!
Jack: That's right! But-but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! [looks at Jamie, amazed] You said my name! [Jamie continues to gape at him, which he slowly realizes] Wait, can... Can you hear me? [Jamie nods] Can you... [leans in closer] Can you see me? [Jamie nods again, beginning to smile. Jack chokes out a laugh] He sees me! He... HE SEES ME! [laughs, and back flips onto Jamie's desk]
Jamie: You just made it snow!
Jack: I know!
Jamie: In my room!
Jack: [excitedly] I KNOW! [leaps off the desk]
Jamie: You're real?!
Jack: Yeah, man! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards, and-and the snow days?! And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?
Jamie: That was you?!
Jack: That was me!
Jamie: Cool!
Jack: Right?!
Jamie: But... what about the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? I mean, like, what about-?
Jack: Real! Real, real! [picks up Jamie's toy rabbit] Every one of us is real.
Jamie: I knew it!
Jamie's Mother: [from downstairs] Jamie! Who are you talking to?
Jamie: Um... [looks at Jack, who smiles and nods, as if to say; "go ahead"] Jack Frost?
Jamie's Mother: [laughs, exasperated] Okay...
[Jack and Jamie laugh, but are then interrupted by a commotion outside]
View Quote [The sleigh crashes in the middle of the road in front of Jamie's house and the reindeer run off]
North: Ah, moi deti! Come back!
Tooth: North, are you okay?
North: Is official: my powers are kaput.
Tooth: [spots Jack flying down] Look! Jack! [climbs out of the sleigh and falls, unable to fly] Jack!
Jack: [helps her back up] You okay?
Tooth: [embarrassed] Mm-hmm.
North: What are you doing here?
Jack: Same as you.
[Jamie comes out of his house, looking at the Guardians in wonder]
North: The last light!
Jamie: Wow, it is you! I mean it is you! I knew it wasn't a dream! [beams at Jack]
North: [realizes what this means] Jack, he sees you!
Jack: [playfully nudges Jamie, but then realizes something] But... Where's Bunny?
North: Losing Easter took its toll upon all of us. Bunny most of all.
[Bunny, now shrunken down to the size of a real rabbit, emerges from the sleigh]
Jack: Oh, no...
Jamie: [giggles, unsure] That's the Easter Bunny?
Bunnymund: [frustrated] Now somebody sees me! I mean, where were you about an hour ago, mate?
Jamie: [to the Guardians] What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool, and now he's... cute. [tickles Bunny under his chin, who begins to respond, before shaking him off]
Bunnymund: [points to Jack] Did you tell him to say that? [attacks Jack's leg then takes up a fighting stance] That's it, let's go! Me and you, c'mon!
Jamie: No! Actually, he told me you were real. Just when I started to think maybe you weren't.
Bunnymund: [amazed] He made you believe? In me?
[Jamie nods and Bunny stares at Jack, touched]