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Dialogues quotes

View Quote Catherine Walsh: Never one to be afraid of the obvious. I admire that in a man, Sam.
Sam Gerard: Have I done something?
Catherine Walsh: Yeah. You hit your prisoner while he was in handcuffs; that's against the rules. If he had any brains, he'd sue us.
Sam Gerard: He bit one of my kids; he got smacked on the head! So what?
Catherine Walsh: So what?
Sam Gerard: Yeah. So what?
Catherine Walsh: 27 stitches is "so what."
Sam Gerard: He needed a smack on the head. That's what he got.
Sam Gerard: Who's got my clothes?
Cosmo Renfro: I do.
[Cosmo shows a purple jacket]
Bobby Biggs: I told you.
Cosmo Renfro: What?
Bobby Biggs: He doesn't like it.
Cosmo Renfro: But I got this last Christmas.
John Royce: [showing Marie pictures of the dead agents] This is Sam Harmon, one of my friends, Sheridan killed him with his own bare hands. So was Neil Kazunski. Kazunski had three little kids.
Marie Bineaux: Stop doing this to me. Even if I knew this man. It's not a crime, he's done nothing wrong. I haven't heard from him.
Noah Newman: So, you do know him.
John Royce: You just lied to us.
Noah Newman: That's a federal offense.
Sam Gerard: Cosmo, where are you?
Cosmo Renfro: [shouting over the New York traffic] I'm in traffic! I'm in New York City! Where the hell do you think I am? We're on our way!
Cosmo Renfro: Sam.
Sam Gerard: Cosmo.
Cosmo Renfro: We're still at the Chinese Consulate. No sign of Chen since he went in.
Sam Gerard: Get the N.Y.P.D. on him. I want you and Royce here at Queens Hills Cemetery.
Cosmo Renfro: Where the hell is Queens Hills Cemetery?
Sam Gerard: Ask a cop.
John Royce: Know what? You look like hell.
Sam Gerard: I'm tired. I'm beat up.
John Royce: Get some rest, I'll wake you.
Sam Gerard: I'll be all right. That must be the gun that shot Newman.
John Royce: You are really on my very last nerve. You are a mind-boggling pain in my ass. Why couldn't you just die at the cemetery? Or on the plane? Cut yourself out of the rest if you want. Sit up. You know the job. You had the same training. We eliminate threats. You are the threat. Guess what? I'm down to my last option here.
Mark J. Sheridan: It was you. You set me up. You were the traitor.
John Royce: Yeah. I'm the man, Mark. You're the delivery boy. I needed a fall guy to make the bag drop in case things went south. Like the two DDS agents you gunned down at the U.N. Their blood is on your hands. If it's any consolation, I chose you because you're the best. That was my mistake. But I'm going to fix it now. You'll put that knife down like a good boy and... (Sheridan falls from his bed) Good night.
Sam Gerard: What are you doing?
John Royce: He tried to escape. Better shoot him, then.
Sam Gerard: Want to use your old gun?
John Royce: It's Sheridan's.
Sam Gerard: No, it's yours. You filed off the serial number. The gun he took from you, the gun he shot me with. The one you've carried since. I bet the bullets we pulled from my vest match those that killed Newman. Why did you shoot that boy?
John Royce: Didn't have a choice, really, Sam. He interrupted while I tried to put into Sheridan. (points his gun to Sam Gerard) What'll your story be? You caught me turning him loose? I'll think of something.
[after killing Royce]
Sam Gerard: Welcome home, Mark, wanna start running again?
Mark J. Sheridan: I think I'm going back to bed.
Cosmo Renfro: You know, you owe me an apology.
Sam Gerard: Yeah, I know, Cosmo, I know. But uh...
Cosmo Renfro: But what?
Sam Gerard: [exhales] But I don't even like you, man.
[everyone laughs]
Sam Gerard: Come on, let's go drink a toast to a good deputy named Noah Woodrow Newman.
Deputy Marshal Bobby Biggs: If we're going to drink to Newman, we better use milk.
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