28 Days Later quotes
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[by a display of apples, the store's only undecayed produce] Mmm... irradiated.
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[Frank has decided to leave London by driving through a tunnel.] No, no. No, this is really a shit idea. You know why? Because this is really, obviously a shit idea.
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[Last line] Do you think he saw us that time?
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[On finding an abandoned, and full, supermarket] Let's shop!
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[Walk through the empty streets of London:] Hello?!
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Eight days ago, I found Jones with his gun in his mouth. He said he was going to kill himself because there was no future. What could I say to him? We fight off the infected or we wait until they starve to death... and then what? What do nine men do except wait to die themselves? I moved us from the blockade, and I set the radio broadcasting, and I promised them women. Because women mean a future.
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Flat terrain all around the house. Floodlights, which we've rigged up to a generator. High perimeter wall, which helps. And we've been lacing the ground with trip wires and land mines. You wouldn't want to mow the lawn, but if they get in, we hear them.
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Have you met our 'new age' sergeant? Our 'spiritual guru'? Tell me, Farrell, why exactly did you join the Army in the first place?
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It started off as rioting. But right from the beginning you knew this was different, because it was happening in small villages, market towns... and then it wasn't on TV anymore. It was on the street outside. It was coming through your windows. It was a virus, an infection. You didn't need a doctor to tell you that. It was the blood, or something in the blood. By the time they tried to evacuate the cities, it was already too late. The infection was everywhere. The army blockades were overrun, and that's when the exodus started. The day before the TV stopped broadcasting, there were reports of infection in Paris and New York. You didn't hear anything more after that.
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My parents and my sister, we went to Paddington Station, hoping we could get on a plane, maybe we could buy our way onto a plane. I remember my Dad had all this cash, even though cash was completely useless. About 20,000 other people had the same idea. The crowd was surging. I lost my grip on my sisters hand. I remember the ground was soft. I looked down and I was standing on all these people. Like a carpet. People had fallen and... Somewhere in the crowd there were infected. It spread fast. No one could run. All you could do was climb. Climb over more people. So I did that. I climbed. And I got on top of this kiosk. Looking down you couldn't tell which faces were infected and which weren't. Then I saw my Dad. Not my Mum or my sister. My Dad. His face...Selena's right. You should be grateful.
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Oh, great. Valium. Not only will we be able to go to sleep — if we get attacked in the middle of the night, we won't even care.
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Ok, Jim. I've got some bad news.
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Plans are pointless. Staying alive is as good as it gets.
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Secondary to protection, our real job is to rebuild. Start again.
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Since it began, who have you killed? You wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't killed somebody.