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Geppetto: (He is fixing Pinocchio) There, that didn't hurt, did it?
Pinocchio: Nah. Didn't hurt.
(Lorenzini knocks hard on the door)
Geppetto: Now what can he want?
Lorenzini: Open up!
Geppetto: No good can come of this.
Lorenzini: Geppetto, open up!
Geppetto: (grabs Pinocchio) Stay there and be quiet! (Pinocchio looks round and sees other puppets sitting there; gasps) Don't even breathe! (To Lorenzini) Signore Lorenzini, what can you want?
Lorenzini: The honor is mine to call again, my good man.
Geppetto: You see Lorenzini, I have been spending a lot of time in the forest lately, perhaps I can carve you something grand... at the first chance I've got.
Lorenzini: I have heard rumors. I bring good news, Geppetto. I am making my grandest production ever, and I am going to purchase... Your newest creation. Whatever it may be. Heh.
Gepetto: (holds up two puppets) These puppets are made, from the finest cherry wood. You can have these.
Lorenzini: (snarls) Don't toy with me, Geppetto. I would not buy those puppets from you two years ago, and I will not buy them today. So show me your best, and show me NOW!
(Pinocchio falls off his perch)
Pinocchio: Oooh! (Runs at Lorenzini and ducks under his legs) Excuse me, coming through!
Lorenzini: He is perfect... (Catches a fly) Stay! (Opens his glove, revealing the fly standing on his palm) Boys do like bugs.
Pinocchio: Bugs?
Lorenzini: They like to tease them, and twist them...and...
Gepetto: Please, Lorenzini!
Lorenzini: Ssssssh.
Pinocchio: (Imitating) Sssshh...
Lorenzini: He is magnificent. Name your price.

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