White House General: [After hearing the president] My God! Is he saying what I think he's saying?
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: If we're going to act, we have to act now.
Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's too risky.
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: The president is up there with a gun to his head!
General Northwood: He's asking us to do that to Air Force One?
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: He's not asking. Your Commander-in-Chief has issued a direct order. Do it!
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: If we're going to act, we have to act now.
Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's too risky.
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: The president is up there with a gun to his head!
General Northwood: He's asking us to do that to Air Force One?
Vice President Kathryn Bennett: He's not asking. Your Commander-in-Chief has issued a direct order. Do it!
White House General : [After hearing the president] My God! Is he saying what I think he's saying?
Vice President Kathryn Bennett : If we're going to act, we have to act now.
Defense Secretary Walter Dean : It's too risky.
Vice President Kathryn Bennett : The president is up there with a gun to his head!
General Northwood : He's asking us to do that to Air Force One?
Vice President Kathryn Bennett : He's not asking. Your Commander-in-Chief has issued a direct order. Do it!