Miss Casswell: Now what?
De Witt: Your next move, it seems to me, should be towards television.
Miss Casswell: Tell me this. Do they have auditions for television?
De Witt: That's, uh, all television is, my dear. Nothing but auditions.
De Witt: Your next move, it seems to me, should be towards television.
Miss Casswell: Tell me this. Do they have auditions for television?
De Witt: That's, uh, all television is, my dear. Nothing but auditions.
Miss Casswell : Now what?
De Witt : Your next move, it seems to me, should be towards television.
Miss Casswell : Tell me this. Do they have auditions for television?
De Witt : That's, uh, all television is, my dear. Nothing but auditions.