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Reporter: Earlier today, L.A. County firefighter Dennis Vinyard was shot and killed battling a blaze at a suspected Compton drug den. We're at the Vinyard home now, and Lieutenant Vinyard's oldest son Derek has agreed to talk with us for a moment. Derek, if you could come down here, please, for a second. Look, I know this is tough, but how do you feel right now?
Derek Vineyard: (younger, wearing a Venice Beach High Basketball jersey) How do you think I feel? I think it's typical.
Reporter: Typical how?
Derek Vinyard: Well, this country's becoming a haven for criminals, so what do you expect? Decent hard-working Americans like my dad are getting rubbed out by social parasites.
Reporter: Parasites?
Derek Vinyard: Blacks, browns, yellow, whatever.
Reporter: I don't understand. You think maybe your father's murder was race-related?
Derek Vinyard: Yeah, it's race-related! Every problem in this country is race-related! Not just's immigration, AIDS, welfare! Those are problems of the black community, the Hispanic community, the Asian community! They're not white problems!
Reporter: Aren't those really issues that deal more with poverty?
Derek Vinyard: No! They're not products of their environments! That's crap! Minorities don't give two shits about this country! They come here to exploit it, not to embrace it!
Reporter: What does this have to do with the--
Derek Vinyard: Millions of white Europeans came here and flourished within a generation! What the **** is the matter with these people? They have to go around...shooting at firemen!
Reporter: What does this have to do with the murder of your father?
Derek Vinyard: Because my father was murdered doing his job!! Putting out a fire in a ****ing **** neighborhood he shouldn't have given a shit about! He got shot by a ****ing drug dealer who probably still collects a welfare check!
Doris Vinyard: (approaching Derek) Honey, that's enough.

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