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[After Anya hands him a dynamite stick and they hide behind boxes] What do they teach you in those orphanages? [The dynamite on the coupling between the engine's tender and baggage explodes]
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[After they escape from a runaway train, uncoupled from the overheated train engine, coal tender, ruined baggage car, and separated dining car, coach, and observation car] I HATE trains! Remind me never to get on the train again.
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[after waking up, flailing her arm and smacking Dimitri in the nose] Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone el - oh, it's you. Well, that's okay, then.
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[Anya just saved him from falling off the baggage of the train] If we live through this, remind me to thank you.
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[Anya was packing to leave Paris when she hears the door knock]
Anya: Go away, Dimitri.
[The door opens and Dowager Empress Marie comes in]
Anya: [finally turns around and noticed Dowager Empress Marie] Oh, I'm sorry. I... I thought you were...
Dowager Empress Marie: I know very well who you thought I was. Who exactly are you?
Anya: Eh...I ...I was hoping you could tell me.
Dowager Empress Marie: [signs] My dear, I'm old and I'm tired of being conned and tricked.
Anya: I don't want to trick you.
Dowager Empress Marie: And I suppose the money doesn't interest you either?
Anya: I just want to know who I am whether or not I belong to a family, your family.
Dowager Empress Marie: You're a very good actress. The best yet, in fact. But I've had enough. [starts to leave]
Anya: [after smelling a scent] Peppermint?
Dowager Empress Marie: [holds her steps, still suspicious] An oil for my hands.
Anya: Yes. I spilled a bottle. The carpet was soaked and it forever smelled of peppermint. Like you. I used to lie there on that rug and, oh, how I missed you when you went away. When you came here, to Paris.
[Dowager Empress Marie notices Anya, playing with a key around her neck]
Dowager Empress Marie: [pointing to the key] What is that?
Anya: [holding the key] This? Well, I've always had it... Ever since before I can remember.
Dowager Empress Marie: [holding out her hand] May I? [Anya takes off the key and hands it to her] It was our secret. My Anastasia's and mine. [takes the music box from her bag.]
Anya: The music box. [takes the music box from Dowager Empress Marie] To sing me to sleep when you were in Paris. [Takes the key and begins humming the lullaby. The the music box begins to play and Anya starts to sing the lullaby and Dowager Empress Marie joins in to the end]
Dowager Empress Marie: [with cracking voice] Oh Anastasia! My Anastasia!
[Anya and Marie throw their arms around each other in an emotional embrace while Dimitri is on the street looking up at the window as he blows a kiss and he sadly walks away.]
[The door opens and Dowager Empress Marie comes in]
Anya: [finally turns around and noticed Dowager Empress Marie] Oh, I'm sorry. I... I thought you were...
Dowager Empress Marie: I know very well who you thought I was. Who exactly are you?
Anya: Eh...I ...I was hoping you could tell me.
Dowager Empress Marie: [signs] My dear, I'm old and I'm tired of being conned and tricked.
Anya: I don't want to trick you.
Dowager Empress Marie: And I suppose the money doesn't interest you either?
Anya: I just want to know who I am whether or not I belong to a family, your family.
Dowager Empress Marie: You're a very good actress. The best yet, in fact. But I've had enough. [starts to leave]
Anya: [after smelling a scent] Peppermint?
Dowager Empress Marie: [holds her steps, still suspicious] An oil for my hands.
Anya: Yes. I spilled a bottle. The carpet was soaked and it forever smelled of peppermint. Like you. I used to lie there on that rug and, oh, how I missed you when you went away. When you came here, to Paris.
[Dowager Empress Marie notices Anya, playing with a key around her neck]
Dowager Empress Marie: [pointing to the key] What is that?
Anya: [holding the key] This? Well, I've always had it... Ever since before I can remember.
Dowager Empress Marie: [holding out her hand] May I? [Anya takes off the key and hands it to her] It was our secret. My Anastasia's and mine. [takes the music box from her bag.]
Anya: The music box. [takes the music box from Dowager Empress Marie] To sing me to sleep when you were in Paris. [Takes the key and begins humming the lullaby. The the music box begins to play and Anya starts to sing the lullaby and Dowager Empress Marie joins in to the end]
Dowager Empress Marie: [with cracking voice] Oh Anastasia! My Anastasia!
[Anya and Marie throw their arms around each other in an emotional embrace while Dimitri is on the street looking up at the window as he blows a kiss and he sadly walks away.]
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[Breaks a hammer while cutting the train couplings between the engine's tender and baggage car] Come on! There's gotta be something in there better than this! [Anya hands him a dynamite] ...That'll work!
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[First lines] [Narrating] There was a time, not very long ago, when we lived in an enchanted world of elegant palaces and grand parties. The year was 1916 and my son, Nicholas, was the Czar of Imperial Russia. We were celebrating the 300th anniversary of our family's rule. And, that night, no star burned brighter than that of our sweet Anastasia, my youngest granddaughter. She begged me not to return to Paris, so I had a very special gift made for her, to make the separation easier - for both of us.
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[Narrating] But we would never be together in Paris, for a dark shadow had descended upon the house of the Romanovs. His name was Rasputin. We thought he was a holy man, but he was a fraud; power-mad and dangerous.
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[Narrating] Consumed by his hatred for Nicholas and his family, Rasputin sold his soul for the power to destroy them.
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[Narrating] From that moment on, the spark of unhappiness in our country was fanned into a flame that would soon destroy our lives forever.
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[Narrating] So many lives were destroyed that night. What had always been was now gone forever. And my Anastasia, my beloved grandchild... I never saw her again.
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[singing as Jonathan Dokuchitz] It's the rumor, the legend, the mystery. It's the Princess Anastasia who will help us fly. You and I, friend, will go down in history. We'll find a girl to play the part and teach her what to say. Dress her up and take her to Paris. Imagine the reward her dear old grandmamma will pay. Who else could pull it off but you and me?
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[singing] Heart don't fail me now. Courage don't desert me. Don't turn back now that we're here. People always say life is full of choices, no one ever mentions fear. Or how the world can seem so vast on a journey to the past.
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[Steps on Rasputin's reliquary; each step cracks it even more] THIS IS FOR DIMITRI! [(Rasputin) GIVE IT BACK!] THIS IS FOR MY FAMILY! [(Rasputin) I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!] AND THIS, THIS IS FOR YOU! DASVINDANIYA! [Reliquary breaks completely]
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[Struggles to uncouple the baggage car from the burning locomotive] COME ON! I need a wrench - an ax! ANYTHING!