These are the days of our great lament. The land thirsts. A great plague infests our crops. The scourge of sickness afflicts at whim. They say this strife has made us weak. That we have become empty. They say that we rot.
Great people of the banner of the sun... I say... we are strong. We are a people of destiny. Destined to be the masters of time. Destined to be nearest to the gods.
Great people of the banner of the sun... I say... we are strong. We are a people of destiny. Destined to be the masters of time. Destined to be nearest to the gods.
These are the days of our great lament. The land thirsts. A great plague infests our crops. The scourge of sickness afflicts at whim. They say this strife has made us weak. That we have become empty. They say that we rot. Great people of the banner of the sun... I say... we are strong. We are a people of destiny. Destined to be the masters of time. Destined to be nearest to the gods.