Reporter: So the title refers to...
Lester Siegel: The Argo, it's the, you know, the thing...
Reporter: Jason and the Golden Fleece, or...?
Siegel: The spaceship, it flies around space, all over space...
Reporter: Is it the Argonaut?
Siegel: No.
Reporter: Then what does "Argo" mean?
Siegel: It means, Argo **** yourself.
Lester Siegel: The Argo, it's the, you know, the thing...
Reporter: Jason and the Golden Fleece, or...?
Siegel: The spaceship, it flies around space, all over space...
Reporter: Is it the Argonaut?
Siegel: No.
Reporter: Then what does "Argo" mean?
Siegel: It means, Argo **** yourself.
Reporter : So the title refers to...
Lester Siegel : The Argo, it's the, you know, the thing...
Reporter : Jason and the Golden Fleece, or...?
Siegel : The spaceship, it flies around space, all over space...
Reporter : Is it the Argonaut?
Siegel : No.
Reporter : Then what does "Argo" mean?
Siegel : It means, Argo **** yourself.