[After Inspector Fix's failed first attempt to stop Fogg]
Lord Kelvin: Dang that nincompoop, Fix. What's the point in hiring a corrupt police officer if he can't even abuse the law properly?! Kitchener!
Colonel Kitchener: Sire?
Lord Kelvin: Tell Inspector Fix to pack his bags, he's going on a little trip.
Lord Kelvin: Dang that nincompoop, Fix. What's the point in hiring a corrupt police officer if he can't even abuse the law properly?! Kitchener!
Colonel Kitchener: Sire?
Lord Kelvin: Tell Inspector Fix to pack his bags, he's going on a little trip.
[After Inspector Fix's failed first attempt to stop Fogg]
Lord Kelvin : Dang that nincompoop, Fix. What's the point in hiring a corrupt police officer if he can't even abuse the law properly?! Kitchener!
Colonel Kitchener : Sire?
Lord Kelvin : Tell Inspector Fix to pack his bags, he's going on a little trip.