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At First Sight

At First Sight quotes

26 total quotes

Amy Benic
Jennie Adamson
Phil Webster
Virgil Adamson

View Quote I was better off blind. People don't have these expectations of you you can't live up to. You're blind - fine - they deal with it.
View Quote I've spent the last five years of my adult life with a man who has the emotional content of a soap dish. The only time I saw him cry was doing our tax return three years ago. I need more than that, Betsy. For once in a long, long time I feel like I can breathe again. Just the way he touches me I know I found someone I can connect with.
View Quote Just for a second I felt like I could see you - all of you.
View Quote Limbo is like New Jersey. You can see all the good stuff, you just have to get there.
View Quote Listening - the rain - it brings out the contours of everything, gives life to a room I can't see. You hear it?...on the roof dripping down the walls on every side. On the right, on the drainpipe, it's drumming with a deeper, steadier sound - - like a timpani - echoing across the room - tells me the room is large - open. You feel it - in your chest? On the left, the rain says...a fire escape, with its own rhythm - ping - ping. Then listen - there...
View Quote Of course, most people avoid the subject. You tell them you're blind and they act surprised. "You're blind? Really? I didn't know - you hide it so well." And then they wave their hand in front of your face just to make sure.
View Quote Some seeing eye dog, more like sleeping eye dog.
View Quote The world is invisible to me - with my touch it comes alive. But only one thing at a time. But when it's raining, I feel everything at once. Sometimes, I wish it could rain inside rain all around us.
View Quote This is just great - I don't believe this. What's that saying - stop the world I wanna get off.
View Quote Virgil - look - you have to learn to see - just like you learned to speak. Only this is not like learning a new language - it's like learning language for the first time. Perception - sight - life, is about experience - about reaching out and exploring the world for yourself. It's not enough to just see Virgil—we've got to look as well.
View Quote When there's something you've adapted to, accepted - you'd just want to change it without even thinking about it?