Title Card: After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy steamed south, unleashing their fire on Darwin, a city in the northern territory of Australia. 'The territory' was a land of crocodiles, cattle barons, and warrior chiefs where adventure and romance was a way of life. It was also a place where aboriginal children of mixed race were taken by force from their families and trained for service in white society. These children became know as the stolen generations.
Title Card : After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy steamed south, unleashing their fire on Darwin, a city in the northern territory of Australia. 'The territory' was a land of crocodiles, cattle barons, and warrior chiefs where adventure and romance was a way of life. It was also a place where aboriginal children of mixed race were taken by force from their families and trained for service in white society. These children became know as the stolen generations.