Babe: Pig in the City quotes
22 total quotesBabe the Pig
Ferdinand the Duck
Zootie the Chimpanzee
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Ferdinand the duck, witness to insanity.
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It's a dog-eat-dog world, and there's not enough dog to go around.
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So it was, one morning, he set out to repair the water pump. And Babe somehow got it into his head that he could help. But three turns on a moment, dear ones, and the pig was about to learn the meaning of those two cruel words of regret: If only. If only he hadn't been so careless. If only the weight of the pig and the pump did not exceed the weight of the farmer. If only the farmer did not connect with the platform on the way up, or jam his fingers at the top. If only the pump hadn't fallen off at the bottom. And if only the poor farmer had the presence of mind to hold onto the rope.
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Something broke through the terror flickerings, fragments of his short life, the random events that delivered him to this, his moment of annihilation. As terror gave way to exhaustion, Babe turned to his attacker, his eyes filled with one simple question: Why?
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Sorry, Boss...
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We're going outside? Without a human? Could be kind of dangerous, you know, in a lethally sort of way.
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Well, I have to warn you, I may be small, but I can be ferocious if provoked.