Bad Day at Black Rock quotes
34 total quotesDoc T.R. Velie Jr.
Hector David
Reno Smith
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I was just wondering what all you people are worrying about...Not that I have the slightest idea...I hold no truck with silence. I've got nothing to hide...It's just that you worry about the stranger only if you look at him from a certain aspect. From my perspective, I look upon him with the innocence of a fresh-laid egg.
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Send a wire to Nick Gandi in Los Angeles. Tell him to find out everything he can about John J. Macreedy...Tell him I want to know fast. Don't get too nervous too fast, Hector...you're as jumpy as a stall horse...And while you wait I'll talk to him.
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You want to register a complaint, boy? To register a complaint, you've got to have evidence, boy. You got evidence?
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You're not Sheriff any more. You're so pathetic you just lost a job.