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Bedazzled (2000)

Bedazzled (2000) quotes

34 total quotes

The Devil

View Quote Elliot Richards: I think you're hot.
The Devil: Baby, you've got no idea...
View Quote Elliot Richards: Oh, yeah. You've been a really big help so far.
The Devil: I know. I've been really naughty, haven't I? Maybe a good spanking's in order?
Elliot Richards: Is that all you ever think about? Do you think everything is about sex?
The Devil: No, of course not! I mean, there's greed, gluttony, sloth, anger, vanity, envy...
View Quote Elliot: I wish to be the most sensitive man in the world. Oh, wait! I wish I were the most emotionally sensitive man in the world.
The Devil: Damn. I was hoping you wouldn't catch that. I could've had a lot of fun with that one.
View Quote Inmate: What are you in for, brother?
Elliot: Eternity.
Inmate: Oooh. You must've done some really bad shit.
Elliot: The worst— I sold my soul.
Inmate: Well, I hope you got something good for it.
Elliot: Actually, I got nothing for it.
Inmate: Sounds like a really bad deal, if you ask me.
Elliot: [glances over] I'm not asking you.
Inmate: Doesn't matter. You can't sell your soul. It doesn't really belong to you in the first place. No way, no how.
Elliot: Is that so? Then who does it belong to?
Inmate: [looks straight at Elliot] It belongs to God: that universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence. The Devil's gonna try and confuse you, but that's her gig. In the end, you're gonna see clear to who you are and what you're here to do. Now, you're gonna make some mistakes along the way. Everybody does. But if you just open up your heart, and open up your mind, you'll get it.
Elliot: Who are you?
Inmate: Just a friend brother. Just a really good friend.
About Bedazzled (2000 film)[edit]
View Quote The Devil: It's [your soul] like your appendix. You'll never even miss it.
Elliot: Oh, yeah? If it's so useless, how come you want it so much?
The Devil: Oh, aren't you the clever one?
View Quote The Devil: Paragraph one states that I, the Devil, a not-for-profit cooperation, with offices in Purgatory, Hell, and Los Angeles, will give you seven wishes to use as you see fit.
Elliot Richards: Seven? Why not eight?
The Devil: Why not six? I don't know. Seven just sounds right.
View Quote The Devil: You're so nervous, Elliot.
Elliot Richards: How do you know my name?
The Devil: I'm psychic. Plus it's on your name tag.
View Quote [the Devil is reading Allison's diary]
Elliot Richards: You can't read that, that's private stuff!
The Devil: You're telling me, listen to this. "Last night was the most incredible night of my life. I never did get any of the guys' names, but I brought them back home and all five of them banged me like a Salvation Army drum".
Elliot Richards: What?
The Devil: Kidding.
View Quote [holding Big Mac and Coke; sarcastically] This truly is the work of the devil.
View Quote [To the Devil] Well, to tell you the truth, you've been the best friend I ever had.
View Quote Ah... well, you know, you go out there and you give a 110%, and you wanna play good, and, you know, you hope you play good... I think we played pretty good tonight!
View Quote Damn the Devil! Damn the Devil to Hell!
View Quote Do you have $3.47? I've left my purse in the Underworld.
View Quote Do you think your mommy and daddy just made me up so you'd be a good boy?
View Quote HOLA! MUCHO GUSTO! Me llamo Elliot! Hola Juan. Hola Esteban. Donde esta es la bibleoteca? Esta es la casa de mi tia.