Big Fish quotes
48 total quotesEdward Bloom
Will Bloom
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Will: As we get closer to the river, we see that everybody's already there. And I mean everyone. It's unbelievable.
Edward: The story of my life.
Will: You become what you always were. A very big fish. And that's how it happens.
Edward: Yeah. Exactly.
Edward: The story of my life.
Will: You become what you always were. A very big fish. And that's how it happens.
Edward: Yeah. Exactly.
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Will: You have to understand. When I was growing up, he was gone more than he was here. And I started thinking— maybe he has a second life somewhere else. With another family, another house— he leaves us, he goes to them. Or maybe there is no second family. Maybe he never wanted a family. But whatever it is, maybe he likes that second life better. And the reason he tells all those stories is because he can't stand this boring place.
Josephine: But it's not true.
Will: What is "true"? He's never told me a single true thing.
Josephine: But it's not true.
Will: What is "true"? He's never told me a single true thing.
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Armed with the foreknowledge of my own death, I knew the giant couldn't kill me. All the same, I preferred to keep my bones unbroken.
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As difficult as it was to reach Spectre, I was fated to get there eventually. After all, no man can avoid reaching the end of his life.
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Everyone loves my father. He's a very likeable guy.
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Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you. After all this work to leave Ashton, the girl I loved was now engaged to one of its biggest jerks. There's a time when a man needs to fight, and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny is lost, that the ship has sailed, and that only a fool will continue. The truth is, I've always been a fool.
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Fate has a way of circling back on a man, and taking him by surprise. A man sees things differently at different times in his life. This town didn't seem the same now that he was older.
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I agreed to spend the afternoon, if only to understand the mystery of how a place could feel so strange, and yet so familiar.
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I was never much for being at home, Will. It's too confining. And this, here... being stuck in bed. Dying is the worst thing that ever happened to me.
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I was thinking about death and all. About seeing how you're gonna die. I mean, on one hand, if dying was all you thought about, it could kind of screw you up. But it could kind of help you, couldn't it? Because you'd know that everything else you can survive.
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I was trying to find a cure to my gigantificationism...
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In telling the story of my father's life, it's impossible to separate the fact from the fiction, the man from the myth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me. It doesn't always make sense, and most of it never happened. But that's what kind of story this is.
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It was on that night Karl met his destiny. And I met mine. Almost.
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It was that night I discovered that most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely, and lacking in social niceties.
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It's not a woman, it's a fish. No one ever catches her. Fish looks diff'rent to diff'rent people. My daddy said it looked like the coon dog he had when he was kid...back from the dead.