[Ms. Mac checking Leigh's wallet.]
Ms. Barbara MacHenry: Clair's name is "Crosby". This says "Colvin".
Leigh Colvin: [hands back her wallet] The divorce will be final in March. What else do you need? Look, l can't tell you any secrets about my sister, because I don't really know her. I-I-I can't tell you anything about this place, because I really ****in' hated it here. Um...
[Leigh stumbles at the Christmas tree and looks at the presents.]
Leigh Colvin: [points at Billy's present] I see Billy still gets a Christmas present.
Ms. Barbara MacHenry: Clair's name is "Crosby". This says "Colvin".
Leigh Colvin: [hands back her wallet] The divorce will be final in March. What else do you need? Look, l can't tell you any secrets about my sister, because I don't really know her. I-I-I can't tell you anything about this place, because I really ****in' hated it here. Um...
[Leigh stumbles at the Christmas tree and looks at the presents.]
Leigh Colvin: [points at Billy's present] I see Billy still gets a Christmas present.
[Ms. Mac checking Leigh's wallet.]
Ms. Barbara MacHenry : Clair's name is "Crosby". This says "Colvin".
Leigh Colvin : [hands back her wallet] The divorce will be final in March. What else do you need? Look, l can't tell you any secrets about my sister, because I don't really know her. I-I-I can't tell you anything about this place, because I really ****in' hated it here. Um...
[Leigh stumbles at the Christmas tree and looks at the presents.]
Leigh Colvin : [points at Billy's present] I see Billy still gets a Christmas present.