Black Panther quotes
23 total quotes
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Zuri: So, your mission did not go as planned.
T'Challa: What happened to my uncle, N'Jobu? My father told me he disappeared. There was a man today wearing a ring identical to this one.
Zuri: It is not possible.
T'Challa: He helped Klaue escape from us and he was wearing this ring. My grandfather's ring! Do not tell me what is impossible, tell me the truth!
Zuri: Some truths... [Exhales deeply] are too much to bear, T'Challa.
T'Challa:: That is not your choice to make. What happened to him?
Zuri: I promised the king to say nothing.
T'Challa: [Irritated] I AM YOUR KING NOW!!
Zuri: Your uncle took a War dog assignment in America. Your father placed me there to observe. Unbeknownst to him, your uncle fell in love with an American woman, they had a child. The hardship he saw there radicalized your uncle.
[Flashback with T'Chaka confronting his brother, N'Jobu.]
N'Jobu: I observed for as long as I could. Their leaders have been assassinated. Communities flooded with drugs and weapons. They are overly policed and incarcerated. All over the planet, our people suffer because they don't have the tools to fight back. With vibranium weapons, they can overthrow all countries, and Wakanda can rule them all, the right way.
Zuri: He knew your father would not support this, so your uncle betrayed us.
T'Challa:[Shocked] No!
Zuri: He helped Klaue steal Vibranium.
T'Challa: No.
T'Chaka: You will return home at once where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes.
Zuri: He drew his weapon on me.
[N'Jobu pulls a loaded handgun from the back pocket of his pants planning to kill Zuri, but T'Chaka kills him by impaling him with panther claws on his suit.]
Zuri: Your father killed his own brother to save my life.
T'Chaka: Speak nothing of this.
T'Challa: And the child?
Zuri: We left him. We had to maintain the lie.
T'Challa: What happened to my uncle, N'Jobu? My father told me he disappeared. There was a man today wearing a ring identical to this one.
Zuri: It is not possible.
T'Challa: He helped Klaue escape from us and he was wearing this ring. My grandfather's ring! Do not tell me what is impossible, tell me the truth!
Zuri: Some truths... [Exhales deeply] are too much to bear, T'Challa.
T'Challa:: That is not your choice to make. What happened to him?
Zuri: I promised the king to say nothing.
T'Challa: [Irritated] I AM YOUR KING NOW!!
Zuri: Your uncle took a War dog assignment in America. Your father placed me there to observe. Unbeknownst to him, your uncle fell in love with an American woman, they had a child. The hardship he saw there radicalized your uncle.
[Flashback with T'Chaka confronting his brother, N'Jobu.]
N'Jobu: I observed for as long as I could. Their leaders have been assassinated. Communities flooded with drugs and weapons. They are overly policed and incarcerated. All over the planet, our people suffer because they don't have the tools to fight back. With vibranium weapons, they can overthrow all countries, and Wakanda can rule them all, the right way.
Zuri: He knew your father would not support this, so your uncle betrayed us.
T'Challa:[Shocked] No!
Zuri: He helped Klaue steal Vibranium.
T'Challa: No.
T'Chaka: You will return home at once where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes.
Zuri: He drew his weapon on me.
[N'Jobu pulls a loaded handgun from the back pocket of his pants planning to kill Zuri, but T'Chaka kills him by impaling him with panther claws on his suit.]
Zuri: Your father killed his own brother to save my life.
T'Chaka: Speak nothing of this.
T'Challa: And the child?
Zuri: We left him. We had to maintain the lie.
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[Everett Ross interrogates Ulysses Klaue, as T'Challa and Okoye listen in]
Ulysses Klaue: [Cuffed to a chair, singing] "Don't hurt me, no more! What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..." [Casually] You know, you really shouldn't trust the Wakandans. I'm much more your speed.
Everett Ross: I don't trust anybody, not in this job. But what I AM interested in is that arm cannon out there. Where'd you get that?
Ulysses Klaue: It's an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to. But I can, uh, get you one if you like.
Everett Ross: Why don't you give me the name of your supplier, and I'll ask them?
Ulysses Klaue: He's right outside. Why don't you ask him yourself?
Everett Ross: What, T'Challa? You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda?
Ulysses Klaue: [Winks and clicks] Bingo. What do you actually know about Wakanda?
Everett Ross: Um... Shepherds, textiles, cool outfits...
Ulysses Klaue: It's all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. "El Dorado, the Golden City" – they thought they could find it in South America, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man. Isipho, they call it, "the gift". Vibranium.
Everett Ross: Vibranium, yeah. Strongest metal on earth.
Ulysses Klaue: It's not just a metal. They sew it into their clothes. It powers their city, their tech... their weapons.
Everett Ross: Weapons?
Ulysses Klaue: [Chuckles] Yeah. Makes my arm cannon look like a leaf blower.
Everett Ross: That's a nice fairy tale, but Wakanda is a Third-World Country, and you stole all their Vibranium.
Ulysses Klaue: "I stole..."?! [Laughs hysterically, then snaps and jolts the chair angrily] "ALL OF IT"?! I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years, and they still haven't scratched the surface. I'm the only outsider who's seen it and got out of there alive. If you don't believe me, you ask your friend what his suit is made of. What his claws are made of.
Ulysses Klaue: [Cuffed to a chair, singing] "Don't hurt me, no more! What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..." [Casually] You know, you really shouldn't trust the Wakandans. I'm much more your speed.
Everett Ross: I don't trust anybody, not in this job. But what I AM interested in is that arm cannon out there. Where'd you get that?
Ulysses Klaue: It's an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to. But I can, uh, get you one if you like.
Everett Ross: Why don't you give me the name of your supplier, and I'll ask them?
Ulysses Klaue: He's right outside. Why don't you ask him yourself?
Everett Ross: What, T'Challa? You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda?
Ulysses Klaue: [Winks and clicks] Bingo. What do you actually know about Wakanda?
Everett Ross: Um... Shepherds, textiles, cool outfits...
Ulysses Klaue: It's all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. "El Dorado, the Golden City" – they thought they could find it in South America, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man. Isipho, they call it, "the gift". Vibranium.
Everett Ross: Vibranium, yeah. Strongest metal on earth.
Ulysses Klaue: It's not just a metal. They sew it into their clothes. It powers their city, their tech... their weapons.
Everett Ross: Weapons?
Ulysses Klaue: [Chuckles] Yeah. Makes my arm cannon look like a leaf blower.
Everett Ross: That's a nice fairy tale, but Wakanda is a Third-World Country, and you stole all their Vibranium.
Ulysses Klaue: "I stole..."?! [Laughs hysterically, then snaps and jolts the chair angrily] "ALL OF IT"?! I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years, and they still haven't scratched the surface. I'm the only outsider who's seen it and got out of there alive. If you don't believe me, you ask your friend what his suit is made of. What his claws are made of.
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[In a museum in London, Killmonger is seen looking at artefacts from West Africa. The museum director walks over to him.]
Museum Director: Good morning. How can I help you?
Killmonger: I'm just checking out these artefacts. They tell me you're the expert.
Museum Director: Ah, you could say that.
Killmonger: They're beautiful. [Points at a mask] Where's this one from?
Museum Director: From the Bobo Ashanti Tribe, present day Ghana. 19th Century.
Killmonger: For real? What about this one?
Museum Director: It's from the Edo people of Benin. 16th Century.
Killmonger: Now, tell me about this one. [Points to a mining tool on the side.]
Museum Director: Also from Benin. 7th Century. Fula Tribe I believe.
Killmonger: Nah.
Museum Director: [Amused] I beg your pardon?
Killmonger: It was taken by British soldiers in Benin, but it's from Wakanda, and it's made out of vibranium. Don't trip, I'mma take it off your hands for you.
Museum Director: [Looks at Killmonger as if he's crazy] These items aren't for sale.
Killmonger: How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it like they took everything else?
Museum Director: [Clearing throat] Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. [Starts feeling indigestion]
Killmonger: You got all this security in here watching me ever since I walked in, but you ain't checking for what you put in your body.
[The director realises her drink had been poisoned and looks in shock. A security guard comes over to Killmonger.]
Security Guard: Alright, mate. Let's have it. Come on, mate.
Killmonger: I think she might not be feeling too good.
[The museum director suddenly falls to the floor, holding her stomach.]
Killmonger: Hey! Hey somebody get some help! Come here! Call a doctor, please! Hey please, somebody come help!
[Security guards start rushing towards the scene.]
Security Guard: [Into radio] Medical Emergency in the West African Exhibit please. Right away!
[Klaue and Limbani, dressed as paramedics and holding a stretcher, run through the hallway near the entrance.]
Klaue: Look out!
Limbani: Step back please! Step back!
Klaue: Coming through please! Medics coming through!
[The two disguised EMTs head towards the West African Exhibit.]
Linda: I'm gonna take a break. [She leaves and a co-worker takes over.]
Klaue: [Heading to the museum director's body] Let's give the lady some space please.
Limbani: Step back please, gents! Step back please! [Klaue and Limbani pull out guns and shoots all but one of the security guards.]
Klaue: Hey come here. Come here! It's ok. You can go, but just don't tell anyone, alright?
[The security guard looks at Klaue unsure, then runs off, only to be shot in the back.]
Killmonger: Bro, why you ain't just shoot him right here?
Klaue: Because it's better to leave the crime scene more spread out. Makes us look like amateurs.
[Linda is shown to have hacked the security cameras to shroud the scene in the West African exhibit by looping a video of what happened before the mishap.]
Klaue: Now, let's see if you know what you're talking about... [Klaue removes a glove, revealing a prosthetic hand.]
[He rests his palm on the glass, making an invisible charge generate, breaking the glass.]
Klaue: That's just a taste. [Picks up the mining hammer, looking at it. He then places the prosthetic hand on it, making muck and dirt fall off, revealing the hammer to be 100% vibranium. Klaue then smells it.]
Klaue: You're gonna be rich, boy.
Killmonger: You better sell that quick.
Klaue: [Laughs] Oh it's already sold! [Breaks the wooden handle off the vibranium hammer, packing the vibranium head.]
Killmonger: Whatever you try, the Wakandans'll probably show up.
Klaue: That'll make my day. I can kill two birds with one stone.
[Killmonger sees a haunting mask and takes it off the pedestal.]
Klaue: You're not telling me that's vibranium too, eh?
Killmonger: Nah, I'm just feeling it. [He puts the mask in the stretcher.]
[Klaue and Limbani wheel the stretcher, with Killmonger in it, to the ambulance near the entrance. Killmonger and Linda kiss, then they turn on the sirens and drive off.]
Museum Director: Good morning. How can I help you?
Killmonger: I'm just checking out these artefacts. They tell me you're the expert.
Museum Director: Ah, you could say that.
Killmonger: They're beautiful. [Points at a mask] Where's this one from?
Museum Director: From the Bobo Ashanti Tribe, present day Ghana. 19th Century.
Killmonger: For real? What about this one?
Museum Director: It's from the Edo people of Benin. 16th Century.
Killmonger: Now, tell me about this one. [Points to a mining tool on the side.]
Museum Director: Also from Benin. 7th Century. Fula Tribe I believe.
Killmonger: Nah.
Museum Director: [Amused] I beg your pardon?
Killmonger: It was taken by British soldiers in Benin, but it's from Wakanda, and it's made out of vibranium. Don't trip, I'mma take it off your hands for you.
Museum Director: [Looks at Killmonger as if he's crazy] These items aren't for sale.
Killmonger: How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it like they took everything else?
Museum Director: [Clearing throat] Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. [Starts feeling indigestion]
Killmonger: You got all this security in here watching me ever since I walked in, but you ain't checking for what you put in your body.
[The director realises her drink had been poisoned and looks in shock. A security guard comes over to Killmonger.]
Security Guard: Alright, mate. Let's have it. Come on, mate.
Killmonger: I think she might not be feeling too good.
[The museum director suddenly falls to the floor, holding her stomach.]
Killmonger: Hey! Hey somebody get some help! Come here! Call a doctor, please! Hey please, somebody come help!
[Security guards start rushing towards the scene.]
Security Guard: [Into radio] Medical Emergency in the West African Exhibit please. Right away!
[Klaue and Limbani, dressed as paramedics and holding a stretcher, run through the hallway near the entrance.]
Klaue: Look out!
Limbani: Step back please! Step back!
Klaue: Coming through please! Medics coming through!
[The two disguised EMTs head towards the West African Exhibit.]
Linda: I'm gonna take a break. [She leaves and a co-worker takes over.]
Klaue: [Heading to the museum director's body] Let's give the lady some space please.
Limbani: Step back please, gents! Step back please! [Klaue and Limbani pull out guns and shoots all but one of the security guards.]
Klaue: Hey come here. Come here! It's ok. You can go, but just don't tell anyone, alright?
[The security guard looks at Klaue unsure, then runs off, only to be shot in the back.]
Killmonger: Bro, why you ain't just shoot him right here?
Klaue: Because it's better to leave the crime scene more spread out. Makes us look like amateurs.
[Linda is shown to have hacked the security cameras to shroud the scene in the West African exhibit by looping a video of what happened before the mishap.]
Klaue: Now, let's see if you know what you're talking about... [Klaue removes a glove, revealing a prosthetic hand.]
[He rests his palm on the glass, making an invisible charge generate, breaking the glass.]
Klaue: That's just a taste. [Picks up the mining hammer, looking at it. He then places the prosthetic hand on it, making muck and dirt fall off, revealing the hammer to be 100% vibranium. Klaue then smells it.]
Klaue: You're gonna be rich, boy.
Killmonger: You better sell that quick.
Klaue: [Laughs] Oh it's already sold! [Breaks the wooden handle off the vibranium hammer, packing the vibranium head.]
Killmonger: Whatever you try, the Wakandans'll probably show up.
Klaue: That'll make my day. I can kill two birds with one stone.
[Killmonger sees a haunting mask and takes it off the pedestal.]
Klaue: You're not telling me that's vibranium too, eh?
Killmonger: Nah, I'm just feeling it. [He puts the mask in the stretcher.]
[Klaue and Limbani wheel the stretcher, with Killmonger in it, to the ambulance near the entrance. Killmonger and Linda kiss, then they turn on the sirens and drive off.]
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[In Oakland]
Shuri: When you said you would take me to California for the first time, I thought you meant Coachella, or Disneyland. Why here?
T'Challa: This is where our father killed our uncle.
Shuri: [Sees a condemnation notice] They're tearing it down. Good.
T'Challa: They are not tearing it down, I bought this building. And that building. And that one over there. This will be the first Wakandan International Outreach Center.
Shuri: When you said you would take me to California for the first time, I thought you meant Coachella, or Disneyland. Why here?
T'Challa: This is where our father killed our uncle.
Shuri: [Sees a condemnation notice] They're tearing it down. Good.
T'Challa: They are not tearing it down, I bought this building. And that building. And that one over there. This will be the first Wakandan International Outreach Center.
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[Post-credits scene: in a small village at Wakanda, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes comes out of a hut. He looks around. A group of children call him "White Wolf". He approaches Shuri]
Shuri: Good morning, Sergeant Barnes.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky.
Shuri: How are you feeling?
Bucky: Good. [Pause] Thank you.
Shuri: Come. [Starts walking away] Much more for you to learn.
[Bucky pauses for a moment, looking at the landscape, then follows Shuri.]
Shuri: Good morning, Sergeant Barnes.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky.
Shuri: How are you feeling?
Bucky: Good. [Pause] Thank you.
Shuri: Come. [Starts walking away] Much more for you to learn.
[Bucky pauses for a moment, looking at the landscape, then follows Shuri.]
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[Showing T'Challa the new suits]
Shuri: Strike it.
T'Challa: Anywhere?
Shuri: Mmm-hmm.
[T'Challa kicks the suit across the room]
T'Challa: You told me to strike it! You didn't say how hard!
Shuri: I invite you to my lab and you just kick things around?!
Shuri: Strike it.
T'Challa: Anywhere?
Shuri: Mmm-hmm.
[T'Challa kicks the suit across the room]
T'Challa: You told me to strike it! You didn't say how hard!
Shuri: I invite you to my lab and you just kick things around?!
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[Shuri drives her car and runs over someone]
Shuri: What was that?
T'Challa: Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!
Shuri: What was that?
T'Challa: Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!
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[T'Challa has stabbed Killmonger in the chest]
T'Challa: Maybe we can still heal you.
Killmonger: Why? So you can just lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean... with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. 'Cause they knew death... was better than bondage.... [Pulls the dagger out of his chest and collapses]
T'Challa: Maybe we can still heal you.
Killmonger: Why? So you can just lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean... with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. 'Cause they knew death... was better than bondage.... [Pulls the dagger out of his chest and collapses]