Bringing Up Baby quotes
35 total quotesDr. David Huxley
Susan Vance
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Alice Swallow: Oh David, what have you done?
David: Oh, just name anything and I've done it.
David: Oh, just name anything and I've done it.
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Alice: Why, as soon as we're married, we're coming directly back here and you're going on with your work... Now once and for all David, nothing must interfere with your work. Our marriage must entail no domestic entanglements of any kind.
David: You mean, you mean—
Alice: I mean of any kind, David.
David: Oh well, Alice, I was sort of hoping — well, you mean children and all that sort of thing?
Alice: Exactly. [Gesturing with a sweep of her hand toward the dinosaur skeleton.] This will be our child.
David: Huh?
Alice: Yes, David. I see our marriage purely as a dedication to your work.
David: Well, gee whiz Alice, everybody has to have a honeymoon and, and...
Alice: We haven't time.
David: You mean, you mean—
Alice: I mean of any kind, David.
David: Oh well, Alice, I was sort of hoping — well, you mean children and all that sort of thing?
Alice: Exactly. [Gesturing with a sweep of her hand toward the dinosaur skeleton.] This will be our child.
David: Huh?
Alice: Yes, David. I see our marriage purely as a dedication to your work.
David: Well, gee whiz Alice, everybody has to have a honeymoon and, and...
Alice: We haven't time.
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Alice: [of Mr. Peabody] ...A lot depends on the impression you make on him.
David: ...I'll wow him! I'll knock him for a loop!
Alice: David, no slang. Remember who and what you are.
David: Oh yes, that's right.
David: ...I'll wow him! I'll knock him for a loop!
Alice: David, no slang. Remember who and what you are.
David: Oh yes, that's right.
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Aunt Elisabeth: Of course I have a niece, but she's not singing around under windows. She's decently in bed.
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David: ...We've passed this one six times in the last hour.
Susan: Oh, but David, it was such a lovely night for a drive.
Susan: Oh, but David, it was such a lovely night for a drive.
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David: Susan, is there any way to cross this stream?
Susan: Oh, surely it's shallow. We can wade across.
[they both step into the stream and disappear under the water.]
David: [resurfacing] Oh, Susan...
Susan: The riverbeds change!
Susan: Oh, surely it's shallow. We can wade across.
[they both step into the stream and disappear under the water.]
David: [resurfacing] Oh, Susan...
Susan: The riverbeds change!
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David: Well, I might have known you were here. I had a feeling just as I hit the floor.
Susan: That was your hat.
Susan: That was your hat.
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David: What kind of ball are you playing?
Susan: PGA.
David: And I'm playing a Pro-Flight.
Susan: I like a PGA better.
David: No, I'm just trying to prove to you that you're playing my ball. You see, a PGA has two black dots and a Pro-Flight has a circle.
Susan: I'm not superstitious about things like that.
David: Oh well, that doesn't have anything to do with it.
Susan: Stop talking for a minute, will you please? [To caddy] Will you take out the pin? [She sinks a 25-foot putt!]
David: Oh my, this is so silly. I never saw such — [He reaches for the ball in the cup] There, you see, it's a circle.
Susan: Well of course it is. Do you think it would run if it were square?
David: No. I have reference to a mark on the ball. That proves it's a Pro-Flight—
Susan: I know.
David: —and that's my ball!
Susan: Well, what does it matter? It's only a game anyway.
David: Well, my dear young lady, you don't seem to realize. You placed me in a very embarrassing position... The most important corporation lawyer in New York is waiting for me over on the first fairway.
Susan: Then it's silly of you to be fooling around on the 18th green.
Susan: PGA.
David: And I'm playing a Pro-Flight.
Susan: I like a PGA better.
David: No, I'm just trying to prove to you that you're playing my ball. You see, a PGA has two black dots and a Pro-Flight has a circle.
Susan: I'm not superstitious about things like that.
David: Oh well, that doesn't have anything to do with it.
Susan: Stop talking for a minute, will you please? [To caddy] Will you take out the pin? [She sinks a 25-foot putt!]
David: Oh my, this is so silly. I never saw such — [He reaches for the ball in the cup] There, you see, it's a circle.
Susan: Well of course it is. Do you think it would run if it were square?
David: No. I have reference to a mark on the ball. That proves it's a Pro-Flight—
Susan: I know.
David: —and that's my ball!
Susan: Well, what does it matter? It's only a game anyway.
David: Well, my dear young lady, you don't seem to realize. You placed me in a very embarrassing position... The most important corporation lawyer in New York is waiting for me over on the first fairway.
Susan: Then it's silly of you to be fooling around on the 18th green.
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Dr. Lehman: You may have heard me lecture... I usually talk about nervous disorders. I am a psychiatrist.
Susan: Oh! Crazy people.
Dr. Lehman: We dislike the use of that word. All people who behave strangely are not insane...
Susan: What would you say about a man who follows a girl around...
Dr. Lehman: Follows her around...
Susan: And then when she talks to him he fights with her?
Dr. Lehman: Fights with you... Is the young man your fiancee?
Susan: Oh no, I don't know him. I never even saw him before today. [Blithely] No, he just follows me around and fights with me.
Dr. Lehman: Well, the love impulse in men very frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.
Susan: The love impulse!
Dr. Lehman: Without my knowing anything about it, my rough guess would be that he has a fixation on you.
Susan: Oh! Crazy people.
Dr. Lehman: We dislike the use of that word. All people who behave strangely are not insane...
Susan: What would you say about a man who follows a girl around...
Dr. Lehman: Follows her around...
Susan: And then when she talks to him he fights with her?
Dr. Lehman: Fights with you... Is the young man your fiancee?
Susan: Oh no, I don't know him. I never even saw him before today. [Blithely] No, he just follows me around and fights with me.
Dr. Lehman: Well, the love impulse in men very frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.
Susan: The love impulse!
Dr. Lehman: Without my knowing anything about it, my rough guess would be that he has a fixation on you.
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Prof. LaTouche: Morning, Miss Alice. My watch is—
Alice Swallow: Shh. Dr. Huxley is thinking.
Alice Swallow: Shh. Dr. Huxley is thinking.
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Susan: Do you know why you're following me? You're a fixation.
David: Oh, I'm not following you. I've been sitting here. I haven't moved from this spot. Now please, you're following me.
Susan: Oh, don't be absurd. Who's always behind whom?
David: Now look, my dear young lady. I haven't been behind anything but what they call the, uh, uh eight-ball. I haven't been all day.
Susan: You're angry, aren't you?
David: Yes I am.
Susan: Um, hmm. 'The love impulse in men frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.'
David: Oh, I'm not following you. I've been sitting here. I haven't moved from this spot. Now please, you're following me.
Susan: Oh, don't be absurd. Who's always behind whom?
David: Now look, my dear young lady. I haven't been behind anything but what they call the, uh, uh eight-ball. I haven't been all day.
Susan: You're angry, aren't you?
David: Yes I am.
Susan: Um, hmm. 'The love impulse in men frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.'
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Susan: Hey, Flatfoot! You ain't gettin' no place. Come here.
Constable: Me?
Susan: Yes you. Come on. Haul it over. Haul it over. You want someone to talk, don't ya?
Constable: Well, it's about time. I certainly do.
Susan: Get me out of this cooler and I'll unbutton my puss and shoot the works.
Constable: Say, hold on, lady...Hey, you ain't no lady.
Susan: Yeah, I kinda had you fooled for a minute, didn't I?
Constable: You sure did.
Susan: I could make a sucker out of a copper. What did I tell ya my name was?
Constable: Why, your name is, uh...Susan Vance.
Susan: Vance, Kitty Vance — that's my society moniker. But the mob all calls me Swingin' Door Susie...Now ya pegged me. Come on, Toots. Open up, open up.
Constable: Stop that, stop that. I'm not openin' any doors around here until you promise to talk.
Susan: Listen, I'll talk. I'll talk so much it'll make your hair curl.
Constable: Me?
Susan: Yes you. Come on. Haul it over. Haul it over. You want someone to talk, don't ya?
Constable: Well, it's about time. I certainly do.
Susan: Get me out of this cooler and I'll unbutton my puss and shoot the works.
Constable: Say, hold on, lady...Hey, you ain't no lady.
Susan: Yeah, I kinda had you fooled for a minute, didn't I?
Constable: You sure did.
Susan: I could make a sucker out of a copper. What did I tell ya my name was?
Constable: Why, your name is, uh...Susan Vance.
Susan: Vance, Kitty Vance — that's my society moniker. But the mob all calls me Swingin' Door Susie...Now ya pegged me. Come on, Toots. Open up, open up.
Constable: Stop that, stop that. I'm not openin' any doors around here until you promise to talk.
Susan: Listen, I'll talk. I'll talk so much it'll make your hair curl.
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Susan: Oh, David, can you ever forgive me?
David: I... I... I...
Susan: You can! And you still love me.
David: Susan, that... that...
Susan: You do. Oh, David.
David: Oh, dear. Oh, my.
David: I... I... I...
Susan: You can! And you still love me.
David: Susan, that... that...
Susan: You do. Oh, David.
David: Oh, dear. Oh, my.
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Susan: Well, don't you worry, David, because if there's anything that I can do to help you, just let me know and I'll do it.
David: [Nervously] Well, er — don't do it until I let you know.
David: [Nervously] Well, er — don't do it until I let you know.