Buffalo 66 quotes
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Billy Brown: Can I use the bathroom here?
Officer: I can't let you back in here! This is the discharge gate!
Officer: I can't let you back in here! This is the discharge gate!
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Billy Brown: (forcing Layla into her compact blue car's passanger's side door runs around jumps in drivers seat and looks confused upset and with arms waving and hands slapping steering wheel says) What's all this? I can't work with this! What's this shifter thing?! I don't do shifter things! I'm used to LUXURY! YOU KNOW, CADILLAC! Have you heard of Cady lac? I didn't think so, shifter thing here! Luxary...you know what LUX...never mind, get out, yeah you're gonna have to drive come on... can you believe that...shifter thing, geezus... (they both get out of the car and walk around the front passing with heads down, no eye contact they get in and he says) "now what's this??? No No No...you gotta clean the windows! How you gonna drive if you cant see through the windows!!! Come on! Jesus...
(They get out of car meet in on driver's side he takes her arm and with her sweater cleans the windshield as she shyly looks at him but trying very hard not to make eye contact she allows him to use her arm as a rag on windshield, her lips pursed in an unassuming smile, blonde straight bangs covering one eye, she looks at him...they say nothing, get in car simutaniously, she starts car, backs out of parking space, and exit's parking lot slowly)
(They get out of car meet in on driver's side he takes her arm and with her sweater cleans the windshield as she shyly looks at him but trying very hard not to make eye contact she allows him to use her arm as a rag on windshield, her lips pursed in an unassuming smile, blonde straight bangs covering one eye, she looks at him...they say nothing, get in car simutaniously, she starts car, backs out of parking space, and exit's parking lot slowly)