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Mater: [after freeing himself by using his Gatling guns] I gotta get y'all out of there!
Finn: There’s no time! McQueen needs your help, Mater.
Mater: But I can’t! I’m just a tow truck!
Finn: It’s up to you. Go to the pits and get everyone out! You can do that.
Mater: What about you guys?
Finn: We’ll be okay.
Holley: Go and get some more dents, Mater.
[Mater bursts out of Big Ben and starts speeding to the pits]
Holley: So, we’ll be okay? Really?
Finn: He wouldn’t have left if I’d told him the truth.
[The clock goes downward]
Finn: Argh! Being killed by a clock. Gives a whole new meaning to “Your time has come.”
[At this mention, Holley gets an idea]
Holley: Time? That’s it!
[Holley spies a gear box at 20ft down. She fries her electroshock device, but she misses. She recoils them back.]
Finn: [captured with Holley in the Big Bentley clock] What are you doing?
Holley: Trying to turn back time.
[The clock goes downward even more]
Holley: If I can just reverse the polarity...
[Holley’s electroshockers strikes the gear box, and Big Ben begins moving backwards]
Finn: Good job! Quick thinking, Holley!
[As Big Ben goes backwards even more, Mater zooms toward London]
Mater: What’s everybody on the wrong side of the road for?
[Finn and Holley are moving in the opposite direction, toward ANOTHER GEAR! And it's going FASTER. They're seconds from a crushing death...]
Holley: Oh, no!
Finn: Drive!
[Finn and Holley drive fast as they can]
Finn: Burn rubber!!
[Finn and Holley drive harder, separating both bumpers with enough room for the gear to SNAP THEIR ROPES! Finn and Holley's tires spin, they both LAUNCH off in opposite directions, and LAND HARD on opposing platforms.]
Finn: We’ve got to get out to the course! Calculate the fastest way to...
Holley: [wings are suddenly appearing out of her] Done!
Finn: [impressed] Oh, Miss Shiftwell.
Holley: They're standard issue now.
Finn: You kids get all the good hardware.
[They turn to leave, but when they stop, they see something. It's an air filter on the ground.]
Holley: Oh, no. That’s Mater's.
Finn: I knew his escape was too easy.

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