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Sterling: Hey! Lightning! Come in, got something to show ya. You ready?
Lightning: Uh... for what? [He enters; Sterling shows him of array of Lightning McQueen-themed merchandise] Wow.
Sterling: You are about to become the best brand in racing. We are talking saturation on all continents for every demographic. Movie deals, infomercials, product endorsements!
Lightning: Mudflaps?
Sterling: Of course! We'll be rich beyond belief! You think you're famous now?
[Both laugh]
Lightning: Thought you'd be mad about the simulator, I mean th-this is all great, Mr. Sterling, I guess, but... I don't know. I never really thought of myself as a brand.
Sterling: Oh, nor do I. I'm a fan, maybe your most avid. I think of this as your legacy.
Lightning: [pause, chuckles weirly] That... that sounds like something that happens after you're... [with sudden realization] ...done racing. [Long pause] Mr. Sterling, what is this about?
Sterling: Look, Lightning. [inhales] I'm not gonna race you.
Lightning: [shocked] What? What do you mean, not race me?
Sterling: Hold on, hold on.
Lightning: I'm not going to Florida?
Sterling: Lightning! You have no idea how excited I was to get you here because I knew. I knew you'd be back! Was gonna be the comeback story of the year, but... your speed and performance just aren't where they need to be. I'm sorry.
Lightning: Wha... we're talking about speed on a simulator! Listen to how crazy that sounds!
Sterling: Look, I'm trying to help you. As your sponsor, yes, but also as your friend. Your racing days are coming to an end. Every time you lose, you damage yourself.
Lightning: Damage the brand, you mean?
Sterling: Oh, Lightning, come on! You've done the work, now move on the next phase and reap the reward!
Lightning: The racing is the reward! Not the stuff! I - I don't wanna cash in, I - I wanna feel the rush of moving 200 miles an hour! Inches from the other guys, pushing myself faster than I thought I'd go! That's the reward, Mr. Sterling!
Sterling: Oh, Lightning, come on.
Lightning: Look, I can do this! I - I - I can, I promise! I - I - I'll train like I did with Doc! I-I'll get my tires dirty on every dirt track from here to Florida! I - I can start right there on Fireball Beach, where all the old greats used to race!
Sterling: Get your tires dirty? That's how you're gonna get faster than Storm?
Lightning: Yes! Exactly! I mean — sacred dirt, right? Mr. Sterling, if you care about my legacy, the one that Doc started, you'll let me do this! I promise you! I will win!
Sterling: [sighs] I don't know. What you're asking is too risky.
Lightning: Come on, you'll like it, I can tell! It's got that little comeback story of the year feel, doesn't it?!
Sterling: [sighs and rolls his eyes; pauses] One race? [Lightning nods] If you don't win at Florida, you retire?
Lightning: Look, if I don't win, I'll sell all the mudflaps you got. But if I do win, I decide when I'm done. Deal?
Sterling: [pauses] Deal.
Lightning: Thank you, Mr. Sterling. You won't be sorry.
Sterling: Just one thing, and this is only because I don't like taking chances: you're taking someone with you.
[Lightning starts to leave but stops, speechless.]

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