Tow Mater: WHEE-HOO!! I'm the first one on the new road! Oh-ho! [wobbling as he drives down the sloppy-looking "new" road] It rides purty smooth. [continues wobbling)
Sally Carrera: It looks awful.
Lightning McQueen: Well, it matches the rest of the town.
[Red goes off crying behind a wall]
Sally Carrera: It looks awful.
Lightning McQueen: Well, it matches the rest of the town.
[Red goes off crying behind a wall]
Tow Mater : WHEE-HOO!! I'm the first one on the new road! Oh-ho! [wobbling as he drives down the sloppy-looking "new" road] It rides purty smooth. [continues wobbling)
Sally Carrera : It looks awful.
Lightning McQueen : Well, it matches the rest of the town.
[Red goes off crying behind a wall]