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Cars quotes

145 total quotes

Cars: the Video Game
Chick Hicks
Darrell Cartrip
Doc Hudson
Lightning McQueen
Mater and the Ghostlight
Sally Carrera

View Quote Rust-eze Brothers: Ladies and Gentlemen, Lightning McQueen!
[A spotlight is shone on Lightning. A long pause]
Mack[off in the distance]: Free Bird!
Lightning McQueen: [without enthusiasm] You know, the Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment team ran a good race today. And remember, with a little Rust-eze [aside: and an insane amount of luck], you too can look like me. Ka-chow.
View Quote Lightning McQueen: You're not Mack!
Truck: Mack!? I ain't no Mack. I'm a Peterbilt, for dang sake! Turn on your lights, you moron!
View Quote I don't need to know where I'm goin', I just need to know where I've been.
View Quote Doc Hudson: [about how McQueen can make the tight turn at Willy's Butte] I'll put it simple. If you're going hard enough left, you'll find yourself turning right.
Lightning McQueen: Oh, right. That makes perfect sense. Turn right to go left. Yes, thank you! Or should I say, NO THANK YOU!!! Because in Opposite World, maybe that really means thank you. [drives off, spraying dust in Doc's face] Crazy grandpa car.
View Quote Speed. I am speed.
View Quote [Lightning McQueen finally got his chance to see Doc Hudson in action at Willy's Butte, but Doc just drives back to his clinic with Lightning following behind.]
Lightning McQueen: Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!
Doc Hudson: Wonderful. Now go away.
Lightning McQueen: Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!
Doc Hudson: I'm asking you to leave.
Lightning McQueen: Come on. I'm a racecar, you're...a much older racecar, but under the hood, you and I are the same.
Lightning McQueen: How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?
Doc Hudson: [shocked] You think I quit? [Shows Lightning an old newspaper]
Lightning McQueen: Right...your big wreck in '54...
Doc Hudson: They quit on me. When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome. Know what they said? "You're history." Moved on to the next rookie standing in line. There was a lot left in me. I just never got a chance to show 'em. I keep that to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would...would find me here.
Lightning McQueen: Hey Doc, I'm not them.
Doc Hudson: Really?
Lightning McQueen: No, I'm not.
Doc Hudson: When was the last time you cared about anything except yourself, Hot Rod? You name me one time, and I will take it all back. [Lightning looks defeated since he can't think about the last time he cared for someone else] Uh-huh. I didn't think so. These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want them depending on someone they can't count on.
Lightning McQueen: Oh, like you? You've been here for how long, and your friends don't even know who you are? Who's caring about only himself?!
Doc Hudson: Just finish that road and get outta here!
View Quote I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park!
View Quote Lightning McQueen: I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics!!
Tow Mater: You hurt your what?
View Quote Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beamer.
View Quote I'm A precisional instrument of speed And aromatics.
View Quote Chick Hicks: The Piston Cup? It's mine, dude! Hey fellas, how do you think I'll look in Dinoco Blue? [pauses] DINOCO BLUE! Ahahaha!
Lightning McQueen: In your dreams, Thunder.
Chick Hicks: Yeah, well..."Thunder"? What's he talking about, "Thunder"?
Lightning McQueen: Oh, you know, because 'Thunder' always comes after Lightning! Ka-chow!
View Quote [The folks of Radiator Springs are sad that Lightning McQueen left without saying goodbye after fixing the main road.]
Tow Mater: He must've finished it while we was asleep.
Doc Hudson: [coldly] Good riddance. [drives off]
Flo: He's...gone?
Sarge: Well, we wouldn't want him to miss that race of his, would we?
[Sally drives off sadly.]
Ramone: [hears the Sheriff sniffling] Oh dude, are you crying?
Sheriff: [angrily] No, I'm HAPPY! I don't have to watch him every second of the day anymore! I'm glad he's gone!
Red: [speeds away crying, upset at Lightning's apparent departure]
Lightning McQueen: [appearing out of the blue] What's wrong with Red?
Tow Mater: [completely oblivious to Lightning's presence, while everyone gasps] Oh, he's just sad 'cause you left town and gone off to that big race to win your Piston Cup that you always dreamed of an' get that big fancy sponsorship you was talkin' about. [long pause] Wait a minute! I knew you wouldn't leave without sayin' goodbye! [Everyone laughs]
View Quote My name's Mater. Kinda Like "Tuh-mater"... but without the "tuh"
View Quote An exclusive animated short included in the Cars DVD. Lightning McQueen: [cuddling up with Sally at Flo's V8 cafe] Gosh, it sure is a nice night.
Sally Carrera: [sound of oil can falling off] He he, it sure is a nice n-i-g-h-t. [draws Lightning's attention to a Mater-shaped stack of cans with a tow cable at the back]
Lightning McQueen: [chuckles] I sure hope Mater isn't anywhere trying to scare me, because I'll freak out. [Mater jumps down off roof and scares Lightning] AHHHH! [crashes into stack of cans to reveal Tow Mater sign]
Doc Hudson: [laughs] If only you were that fast on the track, racecar.
Tow Mater: [after scaring Lightning] Woo, buddy! You look like you just seen the Ghostlight!
Sheriff: Mater! [other cars give way to reveal Sheriff] Don't mock the Ghostlight.
Lightning McQueen: What is the Ghostlight anyway?
[Everyone (except Sheriff) gasps and a record scratches in the background]
Sheriff: The Ghostlight is a glowing orb of blue translusive light, that haunts these very parts.
Tow Mater: Ah, don't be too scared buddy, it ain't real.
Sheriff: IT IS REAL! [Suspense music plays] It all started on a night like tonight. The songdogs were wailing at the moon off Cadilac range, while the summer winds grew hot. A young couple was headed down this very stretch of Mother Road, when they spotted an unnatural blue glow. And all that was left were two out-of-state license plates. So remember: the one thing that angers the Ghostlight more than anything else, is the sound of clanking metal. [suspense music pauses as Mater is seen trembling with fear.] As you head home tonight, keep an eye out. The Ghostlight could be anywhere... [suspense music climax and ends] Well goodnight! [drives off]
Sally Carrera: Woo, I'm bushed! Goodnight. [drives off]
Everybody else: Goodnight. [they drives off to their places, leaving Mater all alone in the dark.]
Tow Mater: Uh, g'night... [lights go out at Flo's V8]
Tow Mater: [At the end of a long chase] Ghostlight...gonna strip my parts...sell em on the computer auction website...
[The rest of the Radiator Springs folks have told Mater that they just played a prank on him the same way he did to them.]
Sheriff: You see son, the only thing to be scared about around here is your own imagination.
Doc Hudson: Yup, that...and the Screamin' Banshee...Well goodnight! [drives off, followed by everyone else, leaving Mater once again in the dark]
Tow Mater: [frightened] The Screamin'...what???
Tow Mater: [to the Screamin' Banshee] You better run, they say there's a Banshee out there tonight, but I ain't seen 'im yet. G'night. [drives off]
Screamin' Banshee: [flabbergasted] Huh?
View Quote 1 winner, 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast.