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Cars quotes

145 total quotes

Cars: the Video Game
Chick Hicks
Darrell Cartrip
Doc Hudson
Lightning McQueen
Mater and the Ghostlight
Sally Carrera

View Quote Guido: Pit stop? [One of his only English phrases]
Guido: Okay!
Guido: Vai-Vai!
Jay Limo: I don't know what's harder to find: Lightning McQueen, or a crew chief that will work with him.
Governator: Lightning McQueen must be found at all costs!
Fred (rusty old car): Lightning McQueen knows my name!
Fred (rusty old car): Mario Andretti knows my name!
Junior: I just hope Lightning's okay. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him!
Ferrari (to Guido at end, after Luigi fainted): Wow. Spero che il tuo amico si riprenda; mi dicono che siete fantastici. ("I hope your friend recovers; they tell me that you guys are fantastic.") (faints)
Sarge: Take a car wash, hippie.
RV at second race: well, dip me in axel grease and call me slick! It surely is!!
View Quote All right, I want to know who's responsible for wrecking my town. I want his hood on a platter. I'm going to put him in jail till he rots. Ooh, check that, I'm going to put him in jail till the jail rots on top of him, then I'm going to move him to a new jail and let that jail rot. I'm...[Sees McQueen]...Throw him out of here, Sheriff. I want him out of my courtroom, I want him out of our town. Case dismissed!
View Quote She's my fianc?e. Naw, jus' kiddin'! She just likes me for my body.
View Quote Ramone Hey, you need a new paint job, hm?
View Quote I didn't come all this way just to see you quit.
View Quote A video game-exclusive sequel to the movie of the same name. Fillmore: So, turn right to go left, right?
Lightning McQueen: Uh, yeah.
Fillmore: Whoa. Deep.
Doc Hudson: You still remember how to handle yourself on dirt?
Lightning McQueen: Yeah yeah, right to go left. And this time, I'm not going into the cactus, old timer.
Lightning McQueen: Hey! This isn't how the story goes!
Tow Mater: I won! I won! W-U-N won!
Doc Hudson: You race like you run your mouth, you'd have that Piston Cup already!
Fletcher: Now, why gold, my dear boy?
El Guapo: This is all about the winning. You cannot take first place if you do not look the part.
Fletcher: Oh? And what makes you think you can best us in the next competition?
El Guapo: Easy. I see you have silver on your rims.
Lightning McQueen: He's got a point there.
Vince: You think you's the best racecar around. Well, if you want ta be the best, first you gotta beat the best.
Lightning McQueen: I take it that would be you's guys?
Vince: What, you don't believe us? You don't believe me, I will t'row down wit' you right here, right now!
Barry: Yeah! Throw down! Down to the ground! On the road! [Vince slaps Barry]
Mia: Oh my gosh! There he is!
Tia: It's totally him!
Mia: Hi Lightning!
Tia: Remember us?
Lightning McQueen: Of course, are you kidding? Who could forget... Yeah, you look familiar. Yeah.
Mia & Tia: He remembers us!
Tow Mater: [staring right at the camera] Hey, what's that red light flashin' in there for?
Darrell Cartrip: Uh dude, it means you're on live on camera.
Tow Mater: I'm on the TV? WHOO-HOO! I gotta call the relatives!
[Deleted scene]
Lightning McQueen: [returning after jumping over a huge billboard sign] Well? What'd you think?
Ramone: That was, yeah, that was a pretty cool jump.
Lightning McQueen: A jump? That wasn't a jump! Didn't you see me? I flew!
Ramone: Looked like a jump to me.
Lightning McQueen: What are you talking about? When I took off, those two birds in that tree, I heard them. One said "Look, it's a flying car!"
Ramone: Uh...bird's can't talk.
Lightning McQueen: Yeah, but if they could, they would say...look, I can fly. [Sally passes by and eyes him]
[McQueen just beat Chick in a road race]
Lightning McQueen: Yeah, I forgot to tell you Chick. The roads around here aren't like the tracks you and I are used to. They got these things called "right turns".
Chick Hicks: Right turns - who cares? Wasn't a real race anyway. Nobody saw it. You know, if a tree falls in a forest and there's nobody around to be seen, does anybody see it? I mean, hear it?
[Character Select quotes in Arcade Mode and VS. Mode] Lightning McQueen Have you ever heard the word "perfection"? That's me! Yeah, me, Lightning McQueen.
View Quote Flo Mmm-hmm. Stop on by sometime, baby, for a nice can o'fuel!
View Quote He did WHAT in his cup?!
View Quote She just likes me for my body.
View Quote What you really need is a sweet taste of my homemade organic fuel.
View Quote Tow Mater Aw, your name's not Mater too, is it?
View Quote Hot snot! We are back in business!
View Quote [To Sally] I'll keep it simple. You. Me. Dinner. pit-cha-kow!!
View Quote [All the main characters are at the Drive-In Theater]
Sign: Toy Car Story
Buzz Lightyear: You are a sad, strange little Wagon. You have my pity. Farewell!
Woody: Oh yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!
Hamm: I hate to break up the road rally, guys, but: THEY'RE HERE! BIRTHDAY GUESTS AT 3 O'CLOCK!
Mack: Oh boy! Whoever does the voice of that piggy truck, I'm tellin' you, he's one great actor!
Sign: Monster Trucks Inc.
Mike: We're banished, genius! Stuck out here in this wasteland without chains!
Sulley: But Mike, the Boomobile is in trouble! She needs our help!
Mike: You're still not listening! [Looks behind Sulley, who turns around]
Abominable Snowplow: Welcome to the Himalayas! Snow Cone?
Mack: Oh boy! That Abominable Snowplow is quite the comic thespian.
Sign: A Bug's Life
Flik: Circus cars!? How can you be circus cars!?
P.T. Flea: These are the lousiest circus cars in the world. And they're gonna make me rich!
Mack: Wait a minute. They're just using the same actor over and over again!!!!!!!!! What kind of a cut-rate production is this!?
View Quote Chick Hicks Ka-chicka, Ka-chicka! WHOO! You rock! No, you rock!