Children of Paradise quotes
6 total quotesAnselme Debureau
Baptiste Deburau
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Director: Act! Act! You have the wrong place. We are not allowed to act here. We walk on our hands! And you know why? They bully us. If we put on plays, they'd have to close their great, noble theaters! Their public is bored to death by museum pieces, dusty tragedies and declaiming mummies who never move! But the Funambules is full of life, movement! Extravaganzas! Appearances, disappearances, like in real life! And then-boom-the kick in the pants!
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Man in the audience: Shut up! We can't hear the pantomime!
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Comte Édouard de Montray: You're much too lovely to be truly loved.
Garance: Truth, but only from the neck up, it frustrated them.
Garance: Truth, but only from the neck up, it frustrated them.
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A kick in the ass, if well delivered, is a sure laugh. It's true. There's an entire order, a science, a style of kicks in the ass.
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Novelty is as old as the hills.
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You were right, Garance. Love is simple.
Frédérick Lemaître