The Chronicles of Riddick quotes
61 total quotesThe Guv
The Purifier
The Lord Marshal
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Imam: Have you heard anything I've said?
Riddick: You said it's all circling the drain - the whole universe. Right?
Imam: That's right.
Riddick: Had to end sometime.
Riddick: You said it's all circling the drain - the whole universe. Right?
Imam: That's right.
Riddick: Had to end sometime.
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Lord Marshal: [after seeing a recording of Riddick killing a Lensor] Commander Toal.
Toal: [growls] He won't escape twice.
Toal: [growls] He won't escape twice.
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Lord Vaako: This is your one chance. Take the Lord Marshal's offer and bow.
Riddick: I bow to no man.
Lord Vaako: He's not a man. He's the Holy Half-Dead who has seen the UnderVerse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
Riddick: Look. I'm not with everyone here. But I will take a piece of him.
Riddick points to Irgun.
Lord Vaako: A piece you will have.
In the ensuing fight, Riddick kills Irgun.
Lord Marshall: Stop him! (Approches Riddick.) Irgun. One of my best.
Riddick: If you say so.
Lord Marshall: What do you think of this blade?
Lord Marshall hands Riddick the blade that Riddick used to kill Irgun. Riddick spins the knife around.
Riddick: I think it's a half-gram heavy on the back end.
Riddick: I bow to no man.
Lord Vaako: He's not a man. He's the Holy Half-Dead who has seen the UnderVerse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
Riddick: Look. I'm not with everyone here. But I will take a piece of him.
Riddick points to Irgun.
Lord Vaako: A piece you will have.
In the ensuing fight, Riddick kills Irgun.
Lord Marshall: Stop him! (Approches Riddick.) Irgun. One of my best.
Riddick: If you say so.
Lord Marshall: What do you think of this blade?
Lord Marshall hands Riddick the blade that Riddick used to kill Irgun. Riddick spins the knife around.
Riddick: I think it's a half-gram heavy on the back end.
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Man: Have you met any others?
Aereon: Others like yourself?
Riddick: Sister, they don't know what to do with just one of me.
Aereon: Spoken like a true Furyan.
Aereon: Others like yourself?
Riddick: Sister, they don't know what to do with just one of me.
Aereon: Spoken like a true Furyan.
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Man: Is there a name for this private little world of yours, huh? What happens there when we don't just run away? You'll kill us... with a soup cup?
Riddick: Tea, actually.
Man: What's that?
Riddick: I'm going to kill you with my tea cup.
Riddick: Tea, actually.
Man: What's that?
Riddick: I'm going to kill you with my tea cup.
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Riddick: Last question, and you better get this right, merc. Whose ship is this?
Toombs: Mine.
Riddick: Wrong answer.
Scene shows Toombs falling out of the ship.
Toombs: Mine.
Riddick: Wrong answer.
Scene shows Toombs falling out of the ship.
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Riddick: You remember that favorite game of yours?
Keira: Who's The Better Killer?
Riddick: Let's play.
Keira: Who's The Better Killer?
Riddick: Let's play.
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[about to be executed by Irgun) There will be another life for me. What will there be for you?
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[after ripping a man's soul out]] Join him, or join me.
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[as hunting hounds are released] Whatever you do, don't make eye contact.
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[last lines of the movie; whispered] You keep what you kill.
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[laughing; after Riddick, while in captivity, kills one of his five-man mercenary team] Four way split!