[lying in bed, bleeding to death after making Homer and Muddy promise to tell the police he was so upset over his daughter Rose running away that he killed himself] That's right. That's the truth. I'm just tryin' to put things straight. Sometimes, ya gotta break some rules, to put things straight. Ain't that right, Homer? [He looks at Homer who nods with reluctance resignation as he finally accepts this truth] Good. [dies]
[lying in bed, bleeding to death after making Homer and Muddy promise to tell the police he was so upset over his daughter Rose running away that he killed himself] That's right. That's the truth. I'm just tryin' to put things straight. Sometimes, ya gotta break some rules, to put things straight. Ain't that right, Homer? [He looks at Homer who nods with reluctance resignation as he finally accepts this truth] Good. [dies]