Clear and Present Danger quotes
18 total quotes
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Ernesto Escobedo: Who is doing this to me?
Felix Cortez: If I were to guess...
Ernesto Escobedo: No, that is not I asked of you, to guess. I can guess.
Felix Cortez: If I were to guess...
Ernesto Escobedo: No, that is not I asked of you, to guess. I can guess.
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Felix Cortez: [a attack has occurred on the American delegation, secretly ordered by Escobedo's intelligence man Cortez] You don't want to hear an answer.
Ernesto Escobedo: Yes I do.
Felix Cortez: It was done to look like you did it... by one of the others, as you suspected. It's always a friend who hates you most.
Ernesto Escobedo: Yes I do.
Felix Cortez: It was done to look like you did it... by one of the others, as you suspected. It's always a friend who hates you most.
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Jack Ryan: I didn't sign up for this. This is someone's bullshit political agenda. Who authorized this? Cutter?
Ritter: Cutter couldn't tie his own shoes without permission.
Jack Ryan: If I go down you're coming with me.
Ritter: Wrong again. I have an *autographed get-out-of-jail-free card*! "The President of the United States authorizes Deputy Director of the CIA Robert Ritter to conduct 'Operation Reciprocity' including all necessary funding and support. This action is deemed important to the national security of the United States etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." You don't have one of these, do you Jack?
[as Ryan walks away] Ritter: Gray! The world is gray, Jack!
Ritter: Cutter couldn't tie his own shoes without permission.
Jack Ryan: If I go down you're coming with me.
Ritter: Wrong again. I have an *autographed get-out-of-jail-free card*! "The President of the United States authorizes Deputy Director of the CIA Robert Ritter to conduct 'Operation Reciprocity' including all necessary funding and support. This action is deemed important to the national security of the United States etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." You don't have one of these, do you Jack?
[as Ryan walks away] Ritter: Gray! The world is gray, Jack!
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Jack Ryan: Who authorized this?
Ritter: I'm sure they'll ask you that.
Jack Ryan: Who authorized it?
Ritter: I have no recollection, Senator
Ritter: I'm sure they'll ask you that.
Jack Ryan: Who authorized it?
Ritter: I have no recollection, Senator
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Jack Ryan: You're going to jail, pal!
Ritter: [seeing Ryan holding a piece of paper] What is that? What is it you *think* you have there?
Jack Ryan: You broke the law.
Ritter: You are such a Boy Scout! You see everything in black and white!
Jack Ryan: No, no, no! Not black and white Ritter, right and wrong!
Ritter: [seeing Ryan holding a piece of paper] What is that? What is it you *think* you have there?
Jack Ryan: You broke the law.
Ritter: You are such a Boy Scout! You see everything in black and white!
Jack Ryan: No, no, no! Not black and white Ritter, right and wrong!
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Jack Ryan: [confronting Ritter on "Reciprocity"] Why was I kept out if it?
Ritter: You weren't kept out of it, you're NECK DEEP in it! You went before Congress and you got the money for it!
Ritter: You weren't kept out of it, you're NECK DEEP in it! You went before Congress and you got the money for it!
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Ritter: Jack, computer theft is a serious crime.
[hangs up the phone] Jack Ryan: [to himself] So are crimes against the Constitution.
[hangs up the phone] Jack Ryan: [to himself] So are crimes against the Constitution.
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Ritter: [on Cutter's computer] They're in. Congratulation, James, you've got your own little war.
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The President: How dare you come in here and lecture me!
Jack Ryan: How dare you, sir!
The President: How dare you come into this office and bark at me like some little junkyard dog? I am the President of the United States!
Jack Ryan: How dare you, sir!
The President: How dare you come into this office and bark at me like some little junkyard dog? I am the President of the United States!
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The President: So go down there, establish it.
Jack Ryan: Go down where?
The President: Colombia.
Jack Ryan: Who, me?
Jack Ryan: Go down where?
The President: Colombia.
Jack Ryan: Who, me?
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The President: These drug cartels represent a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.
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The President: [on who gets punished for 'Reciprocity'] You'll take the blame. Cutter and Ritter will take some too, but it won't amount to much. They'll get a slap on the wrist and $20,000 an hour on the lecture circuit. The rest, you'll dump on Greer. Yes, you'll take him down with you. You'll destroy his reputation. But it won't go any further than that. It's the ol' Potomac two-step, Jack.
Jack Ryan: I'm sorry, Mr. President, I don't dance.
Jack Ryan: I'm sorry, Mr. President, I don't dance.
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[Before commencing a covert action]
Ritter: Let me make this very clear: this is your deal, not mine, so unless I have written authorization, this whole thing is over before it starts because I'm not going to be the only one left without a chair when the music stops.
Ritter: Let me make this very clear: this is your deal, not mine, so unless I have written authorization, this whole thing is over before it starts because I'm not going to be the only one left without a chair when the music stops.