If Jordan gives birth to a fine Irish son /There be ****tails and Dreams for him one day to run /A business that shall yield a financial windfall ("It better!", Uncle Pat interjects followed by laughter from Brian)/To be franchised in every suburban shopping mall. /Now, if a daughter arrives to bless our clan /I guess the shit will certainly hit the fan/But this I shall promise to thee /I'll never let her marry a guy like me /Still if our child is the naughtiest of girls or the wildest of young men / I swear I'll be the best dad I can / And never ever get spooked again.
If Jordan gives birth to a fine Irish son /There be ****tails and Dreams for him one day to run /A business that shall yield a financial windfall (" It better! ", Uncle Pat interjects followed by laughter from Brian )/To be franchised in every suburban shopping mall. /Now, if a daughter arrives to bless our clan /I guess the shit will certainly hit the fan/But this I shall promise to thee /I'll never let her marry a guy like me /Still if our child is the naughtiest of girls or the wildest of young men / I swear I'll be the best dad I can / And never ever get spooked again.