Oh come on you're a bunch of suicidal morons!! What are you, crazy?! Plan C? "Restart the core somehow?" Oh that's a great idea! That's a brilliant idea! I can't believe I'm stuck on this floating septic tank with you lunatics! You may have nothing to lose, you may have nothing to lose, you may have nothing to lose, but I have my life to lose thank you very much while you're up! Now turn it around! He told us to go back, and we're going back! Why? You wanna be a hero? You wanna be a martyr? What do you want to be? You're out of your minds! Thank you!
Oh come on you're a bunch of suicidal morons!! What are you, crazy?! Plan C? "Restart the core somehow ?" Oh that's a great idea! That's a brilliant idea! I can't believe I'm stuck on this floating septic tank with you lunatics! You may have nothing to lose, you may have nothing to lose, you may have nothing to lose, but I have my life to lose thank you very much while you're up! Now turn it around! He told us to go back, and we're going back! Why? You wanna be a hero? You wanna be a martyr? What do you want to be? You're out of your minds! Thank you!