Cube quotes
41 total quotesHolloway
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Quentin: Why put people in it?
Worth: Because it's here. You have to use it, or you admit it's pointless.
Quentin: But it is pointless!
Worth: Quentin, that's my point.
Worth: Because it's here. You have to use it, or you admit it's pointless.
Quentin: But it is pointless!
Worth: Quentin, that's my point.
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Worth: Holloway, you don't get it.
Holloway: Then help me, please. I need to know.
Worth: This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you.
Holloway: Then help me, please. I need to know.
Worth: This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you.
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Do you think we matter? We don't.
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Every day I mop up after your bleeding heart. The only reason you even exist is because I keep you!
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God help you, Quentin. Did you hit your kids too?
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I don't wanna die, I'm just being realistic. You think they'd go to all the trouble to build this thing if we could just walk out?
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I know your type. No kids, no man to **** you. So you go around outraged, sticking your nose up other people's assholes, sniffing their business!
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I looked through the walls. I dreamed him, at his desk, designing everything. He can't let you solve the puzzle, see, because there is a purpose.
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I mean, nobody wants to see the big picture. Life's too complicated.
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I mean, this is an accident, a forgotten, perpetual public works project. Do you think anybody wants to ask questions? All they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck.
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I'm just a guy. I work in an office building, doing office building stuff.
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I'm not dying in a ****ing rat maze!
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It's all the same machine, right? The Pentagon, multinational corporations, the police! You do one little job, you build a widget in Saskatoon and the next thing you know it's two miles under the desert, the essential component of a death machine!
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It's okay, I just swallowed my button.