Daffy Duck: Oh Bugsy! Bugsy buddy!
Bugs Bunny: Oh hi, uh, what's up, Duck?
Daffy Duck: Come here old pal, hm?
Hugo: [picks up Bugs Bunny] My OWN little bunny rabbit, d'oy.
Bugs Bunny: Hey! An abominabuble snowman!
Hugo: I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him...
Daffy Duck: Oh sure, I know I'm a louse, but I'm a live louse.
Hugo: And I will give him security! And I will keep him warm like a mother hen, so he will never feel rejected or lack for love.
Daffy Duck: Poor old Bugs. But, anyway you look at it, it's better HE should suffer. After all, it was me or him, and obviously it couldn't be me. It's a simple matter of logic. I'm not like other people, I can't stand pain, it hurts me.
Bugs Bunny: Oh hi, uh, what's up, Duck?
Daffy Duck: Come here old pal, hm?
Hugo: [picks up Bugs Bunny] My OWN little bunny rabbit, d'oy.
Bugs Bunny: Hey! An abominabuble snowman!
Hugo: I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him...
Daffy Duck: Oh sure, I know I'm a louse, but I'm a live louse.
Hugo: And I will give him security! And I will keep him warm like a mother hen, so he will never feel rejected or lack for love.
Daffy Duck: Poor old Bugs. But, anyway you look at it, it's better HE should suffer. After all, it was me or him, and obviously it couldn't be me. It's a simple matter of logic. I'm not like other people, I can't stand pain, it hurts me.
Daffy Duck : Oh Bugsy! Bugsy buddy!
Bugs Bunny : Oh hi, uh, what's up, Duck?
Daffy Duck : Come here old pal, hm?
Hugo : [picks up Bugs Bunny] My OWN little bunny rabbit, d'oy.
Bugs Bunny : Hey! An abominabuble snowman!
Hugo : I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him...
Daffy Duck : Oh sure, I know I'm a louse, but I'm a live louse.
Hugo : And I will give him security! And I will keep him warm like a mother hen, so he will never feel rejected or lack for love.
Daffy Duck : Poor old Bugs. But, anyway you look at it, it's better HE should suffer. After all, it was me or him, and obviously it couldn't be me. It's a simple matter of logic. I'm not like other people, I can't stand pain, it hurts me.