Dazed and Confused quotes
76 total quotesMike Newhouse
Multiple Characters
Randall "Pink" Floyd
Ron Slater
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...I wanna dance!
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Clint: I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer. [glances over his shoulder] Looks like we're almost outta beer.
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Cynthia: I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor, insignificant preamble to somethin' else.
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Cynthia: The Fifties were boring, the Sixties rocked, and the Seventies..oh god..well, they obviously suck...maybe the Eighties will be radical..
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Darla: Lick me, all of you.
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Darla: What are you looking at? Wipe that face off your head, bitch.
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Jodi: What are we having social hour over here? [aside] I'm supposed to be being a bitch.
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Ms. Ginny Stroud: Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes.
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Simone: I did it when I was a freshman, and you'll do it when you're seniors. but you're doing great. Now fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies. Fry!
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Tony: "Neo-McCarthyism", I like that.
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Clint: What did you just say?
Mike: What?
Clint: Just now, man. When you walked past, what'd you say?
Mike: About what?
Clint: You said, "Someone's tokin' some reefer."
Mike: No, I meant somewhere I smell some pot, you know? It was just an observation.
Clint: Oh, an observation, huh? Well who the hell are you, man? Isaac ****ing Newton?
Mike: What?
Clint: Just now, man. When you walked past, what'd you say?
Mike: About what?
Clint: You said, "Someone's tokin' some reefer."
Mike: No, I meant somewhere I smell some pot, you know? It was just an observation.
Clint: Oh, an observation, huh? Well who the hell are you, man? Isaac ****ing Newton?
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Coach Conrad: Come here, Randy. Come here. You been out with those losers all night?
Slater: Hey, Coach Conrad. Remember me? Second-period gym class?
Coach Conrad: That's the kind of people I was tellin' you about. Trouble like this means nothing to those clowns. You're the one with something to lose.
Pink: Coach, you don't even know them. How can you even pretend to talk that way?
Coach Conrad: Okay, Randy. I shouldn't do this, but I'm willing to wipe the slate clean and forget about this. I want you to get your priorities straight, quit hanging out with those hoodlums and sign your commitment to your team. Have you done that yet?
Pink: I'm still thinkin' about it.
Coach Conrad: No one's paying you to think about it, just do it!
Pink: You know, Coach, I gotta get goin'. Me and my "loser" friends, you know, we gotta get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer. Oh, and Coach, I forgot. I might play ball. But I will never sign that!
Slater: Hey, Coach Conrad. Remember me? Second-period gym class?
Coach Conrad: That's the kind of people I was tellin' you about. Trouble like this means nothing to those clowns. You're the one with something to lose.
Pink: Coach, you don't even know them. How can you even pretend to talk that way?
Coach Conrad: Okay, Randy. I shouldn't do this, but I'm willing to wipe the slate clean and forget about this. I want you to get your priorities straight, quit hanging out with those hoodlums and sign your commitment to your team. Have you done that yet?
Pink: I'm still thinkin' about it.
Coach Conrad: No one's paying you to think about it, just do it!
Pink: You know, Coach, I gotta get goin'. Me and my "loser" friends, you know, we gotta get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer. Oh, and Coach, I forgot. I might play ball. But I will never sign that!
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Cynthia: God, don't you ever feel like everything we do and everything we've been taught is just to service the future?
Tony: Yeah I know, like it's all preparation.
Cynthia: Right. But what are we preparing ourselves for?
Mike: Death.
Tony: Life of the party.
Mike: It's true.
Cynthia: You know, but that's valid because if we are all gonna die anyway shouldn't we be enjoying ourselves now? You know, I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor insignificant preamble to something else.
Tony: Yeah I know, like it's all preparation.
Cynthia: Right. But what are we preparing ourselves for?
Mike: Death.
Tony: Life of the party.
Mike: It's true.
Cynthia: You know, but that's valid because if we are all gonna die anyway shouldn't we be enjoying ourselves now? You know, I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor insignificant preamble to something else.
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Cynthia: Which one of you had the theory about how president Ford's old football head injuries is affecting the economy?
Tony: Did you know Ford was on the Warren Commission?
Mike: Who cares, he's outta there this fall. Look, we need some alcohol.
Tony: That's a thought.
Tony: Did you know Ford was on the Warren Commission?
Mike: Who cares, he's outta there this fall. Look, we need some alcohol.
Tony: That's a thought.