Dogville quotes
237 total quotesChapter SEVEN
Chapter SIX
Chapter THREE
Chapter TWO
Quotes about Dogville
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Imprints itself on the consciousness and hauntingly lingers
Arthur Lazere, Culturevulture.net
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It all started with a meeting, so it will be logical to end it with one too. You'll talk and they'll listen. They can't refuse to listen.
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It is a valiant but risky attempt and, truth be told, it is only partially successful.
Michael Elliott, Movie Parables
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It is like a child who doesn't want to take his medicine. They'll be furious at first, but in the end they'll see it is for their own good. Just don't be hateful. Don't be reproving. If anybody can do it, Grace, you can.
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It really is a masterpiece — von Trier's first, as it happens.
Glenn Kenny, Premiere magazine
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It was such a relief when you turned up and you were the one all the men had eyes for. You know, Tom and them. I've had to put up with it for so long... Frankly, I just didn't have the energy for it anymore.
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It wasn't me who wanted you here. You were far to beautiful and frail for this place. You tricked me into feeling that I meant something to you. It's your own damn fault I need your respect, Grace.
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It would only make the town more frightened, but hardly make it a better place. And it could happen again. Somebody happening by, revealing their frailty.
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It'd be so easy to make love right now. They may kill us any minute... It would be the perfect romantic ending... It would be so beautiful. But from the point of view of our love, so completely wrong... We were to meet in freedom.
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It's a bleak view of humanity expounded here, giving much food for thought, and for meditation on the concepts of humanity, tolerance, acceptance.
Jean Lowerison in The San Diego Metropolitan
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It's a tough sit through tough questions.
Richard Nilsen in The Arizona Republic
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It's like von Trier's expression of bewilderment at the idea of Christ. Like Mel Gibson, he portrays intense evil to make us wonder at the generosity of Grace.
Jeffrey Overstreet, Looking Closer
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It's not personal, Grace. It's not personal. I just... I have to take due payment, that's all. I don't... I don't have a choice.
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It's simply a movie whose bite is as harsh and hard as its bark.
Bob Longino in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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It's the best stage play you've ever attended, and you feel as if you're right in the middle of it.
Steve Schneider in The Orlando Weekly