The Doors quotes
46 total quotesJim Morrison
Multiple Characters
Pamela Courson
Robbie Krieger
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I get scared thinking of all the choices inside. I could go. I could stay. I can live anywhere. I could die now if I wanted. It's limitless choice... and no one cares.
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I go out on a stage and I howl for people. In me they see what they want to see -- some say the Lizard King, whatever that means, or some black-clad leather demon whatever that means... but really I think of myself as a sensitive, intelligent human being but with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most crucial moment... a fake hero... a joke the gods played on me... it's okay, I accept the joke... and smile. Death old friend, death and my ****, I can forgive my injuries in the name of wisdom, luxury, romance. Words got me the wound and will get me well. All join now in lament of my ****, a tongue of knowledge in the feathered night. Boys get crazy in the head and suffer. I sacrifice my **** on the altar of silence.
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I like a man who wears his soul on his face.
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Is everybody in?... Is everybody in?... Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin...
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It was the first time I tasted fear. I musta been about four, like a child is just like a flower, his head is floating in the breeze.
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Maybe I should always **** my critics.
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Some of the biggest mistakes in my life have been haircuts.
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Take your time, Jim... There's no hurry, I'm all you have to do tonight.
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The music was new black polished chrome and came over the summer like liquid night.
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The reaction I get now looking back is the soul of the ghosts of those dead Indians -- maybe one or two of them were just running around freaking out and just leaped into my soul -- and they're still there.
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We gotta take the planet back, reinvent the Gods, make new myths.
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Well uh, it's designed to wear you down y'know... when that rap sheet says the "United States of America versus You" it takes you down day by day, specially when no one really gives a shit about, y'know, the First Amendment that's on trial here... Nobody says anything about that, it's just uh did you take your pants off y'know, I mean that's not what it's about, it's about freedom, that's what it's about... but who cares, right? Freedom exists in a schoolbook.
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When the serpent appears, his head is ten feet long and five feet wide. He has one red eye and one green eye. He's deadly and he's seven miles long. As he moves -- on his scales is written all the history of the world, all people, all actions, all of us our little pictures on the scales, God it's big! -- and it's eating as it moves all the time, devouring, digesting consciousness, power, a monster of energy! We must kiss the snake on the tongue, if it senses our fear, it will eat us instantly. But if we kiss it without fear, the snake will take us through the garden and out the gate. To our freedom -we must ride this snake. To the end of time.
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Where's your will to be weird man?
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Y'all believe what you want to believe, you will anyway... but it does kinda show you what excites people? Fear, pity, horror -- all those good things that count. It's sorta I guess like being on the edge of an orgasm, y'know... that mystery just before you come. When? If? Should I? Will you die for me, eat me, this way, the end...