The Dukes of Hazzard quotes
14 total quotesDaisy Duke
Jesse Duke
Mr. Prickett
Roscoe P. Coltrane
The Balladeer
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"An apple a day will keep the doctor away, darling."
"Do you know why devorces are so expensive? Because they are worth it!"
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"Enos, where's Boss Hogg and Roscoe?" (Enos- At your farm) "Thank you Enos. That might be a new record."
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"I think something bounced up into my undercarriage."
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"Jesse Duke has been to two places in his life: Hazzard County and Korea. As far as he's concerned, that's one place too many."
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"The only way I'm leavin' the ranch is in a wooden box!"
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"When you're flying by the seat of your pants, nothing sounds better than a Plan B."
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(To Cooter) "Boy, you couldn't fix an election if your brother was the governor!"
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(To Daisy about his car) "She's faster than a cheetah on cocaine."
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Jesse Duke: Know what happens when you give a politician Viagra?
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: He gets taller!
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: He gets taller!
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Jesse Duke: Know what you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: You get a piece of ass that'll bring a tear to your eye.
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: You get a piece of ass that'll bring a tear to your eye.
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Jesse Duke: You know why divorces are so expensive?
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: Because they're worth it!
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: Because they're worth it!
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Jesse Duke: You know why tornadoes and blonds are so much alike?
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: At first, there's a lot of sucking and blowing, and then you lose your house.
Luke Duke: No.
Jesse Duke: At first, there's a lot of sucking and blowing, and then you lose your house.
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Sheev: Hmm, might be a wet fuse.
Bo Duke: Maybe its backwards.
Sheev: It's supposed to be backwards, it's a Chinese fuse.
Bo Duke: No, I mean it's backwards from the way it's supposed to be.
Sheev: Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to China?
Bo Duke: I ate Chinese food once.
Sheev: Yeah, well you don't blow up Mu Shu Pork my friend.
Bo Duke: I dated a Korean girl in high school.
Sheev: That is a totally different Oriental nation. Get an education!
Bo Duke: You're the one who got the fuse wrong.
Bo Duke: Maybe its backwards.
Sheev: It's supposed to be backwards, it's a Chinese fuse.
Bo Duke: No, I mean it's backwards from the way it's supposed to be.
Sheev: Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to China?
Bo Duke: I ate Chinese food once.
Sheev: Yeah, well you don't blow up Mu Shu Pork my friend.
Bo Duke: I dated a Korean girl in high school.
Sheev: That is a totally different Oriental nation. Get an education!
Bo Duke: You're the one who got the fuse wrong.
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Guy come out of an antique shop carrying a big grandfather's clock. Bumped into this drunk, broke the clock.
Guy said, "Why don't you watch where you're going."
The drunk says, "Why don't you carry a wristwatch like everybody else."