Enchanted quotes
57 total quotesPrince Edward
Queen Narissa
Robert Philip
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(after finding the television remote at a hotel he is staying at) It appears this odd little box controls the magic mirror!
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(after stabbing a bus) The steel beast is dead, peasants! I set you all free.
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Bus Driver: Are you crazy? Nobody stabs my bus.
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Bus Driver: [as Pip jumps in her hair] A rat! Get it off me!
Prince Edward: Well, strictly speaking, he's a chipmunk.
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Dragon Narissa: [in reference to killing them] Let's begin with the girl who started it all, shall we?
Robert Philip: Over my dead body.
Dragon Narissa: Alright. I'm flexible. [grabs Robert]
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Giselle: [to a pair of white doves] Take these flowers to Nancy, please.
Robert Philip: What are you, crazy? They're birds! They don't know where she lives.
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Giselle: Is that the only word that you know? "No?"
Robert Philip: No.
Giselle: Oh, yeah.
Robert Philip: No.
Giselle: "No."
Robert Philip: No.
Giselle: "No."
Robert Philip: No. I mean, No! No.
Giselle: "No! No! No!" Over and over again! Every word out of your mouth is "No!" It just makes me so... Oh, sometimes you make me so...
Robert Philip: Makes you so what?
Giselle: You make me so... so... angry! [laughs] I'm angry. [laughs]
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Giselle: Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?
Robert Philip: Only when you're around to catch me.
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Giselle: Now, if only I can find a place to rest my head for the night.
Robert Philip: What kind of place?
Giselle: I don't know. Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree.
Robert Philip: A hollow tree?
Giselle: Or a house full of dwarves. I hear they're very hospitable.
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Giselle: Robert! This is Clara. She saw Edward.
Robert Philip: Oh.
Clara: He was on the bus this morning.
Robert Philip: Uh-huh…
Clara: He tried to kill me!
Robert Philip: Great. Wonderful. That's great.
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Giselle: When you meet that special someone who's meant for you... [singing] Before two can become one, there is something you must do.
Rabbit: Do you pull each other's tails?
Bird: Do you feed each other seeds?
Giselle: No. [singing] There is something sweeter everybody needs.
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Giselle: Why are you staring at me?
Robert Philip: I don't know. It's… it's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something.
Giselle: Is that a bad thing?
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Giselle: You see, I've been wandering very far and long tonight, and I'm afraid nobody has been very nice to me.
Robert Philip: Yeah, well, welcome to New York.
Giselle: Thank you.
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Giselle: [singing] How does she know you love her?
Robert Philip: Oh no, no, no...
Giselle: [singing] How does she know...
Robert Philip: People look-looking...
Giselle: [singing] She's yours?
Robert Philip: Don't sing. It's okay, you know. Let's just walk. Can we walk?
Jamaican Man: ["singing"] How does she know that you love her?
Robert Philip: He knows this song, too?
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Giselle: [singing] Well, does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Robert Philip: I don't dance.
Giselle: [singing] Dedicate a song with words meant just for you? Ooh!
Robert Philip: And I really don't sing.