[The morning after König escapes a trap set for him by information he now knows Sacha gave the Soviets, König is waiting for Sacha as he crawls out of a pipe in the tractor factory] Good morning, Sacha. [Outside, pulling Sacha along] Once again, he knew exactly where to find me. Don't you think that's strange? Apart from me, only you knew. I don't hold it against you, Sacha. You've done a very brave thing. You've chosen your camp; I respect that. But it isn't my camp. We're both soldiers. We're both enemies. So, I... I know you understand. I'm annoyed with you, little Sacha, for not staying at home as I made you swear to do. I'm annoyed with you for obliging me to do what I'm going to have to do. [The camera pans away slightly; König is leading Sacha to a makeshift gallows]
[The morning after König escapes a trap set for him by information he now knows Sacha gave the Soviets, König is waiting for Sacha as he crawls out of a pipe in the tractor factory ] Good morning, Sacha. [ Outside, pulling Sacha along ] Once again, he knew exactly where to find me. Don't you think that's strange? Apart from me, only you knew. I don't hold it against you, Sacha. You've done a very brave thing. You've chosen your camp; I respect that. But it isn't my camp. We're both soldiers. We're both enemies. So, I... I know you understand. I'm annoyed with you, little Sacha, for not staying at home as I made you swear to do. I'm annoyed with you for obliging me to do what I'm going to have to do. [ The camera pans away slightly; König is leading Sacha to a makeshift gallows ]