Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed quotes
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"Ben Stein has a new movie out... called Expelled. It is powerful. It is fabulous." "His interviews with some of the professors who espouse Darwinism are literally shocking. [Despite the] condescension and the arrogance these people have, they will readily admit that Darwinism and evolution do not explain how life began." "These people are so threatened by the existence of God, they will not permit intelligent design to be discussed. Professors have been fired, blackballed, and prevented from working who have deigned to try to combine the whole concept of evolution with intelligent design." "[T]he point of it is that these people on the left are just scared to death of God. It threatens everything. We, on the other hand, recognize that our greatness, who we are, our potential, our ambition, our desire, comes from God"
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"Ben Stein wants you to stop thinking of evolution as an actual science supported by verifiable facts and logical arguments and to start thinking of it as a dogmatic, atheistic ideology akin to Marxism."
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"Stein puts to Dawkins a simple question, 'How did life begin?' ... Dawkins, however, frankly admits that he has no idea. ... Evolution has no explanation for how life got started in the first place. Darwin was very clear about this.... In order for evolution to take place, there had to be a living cell. The difficulty for atheists is that even this original cell is a work of labrynthine complexity. Franklin Harold writes in The Way of the Cell that even the simplest cells are more ingeniously complicated than man's most elaborate inventions.... "
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"This propaganda production would make Joseph Goebbels proud."
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Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed quotes at the Internet Movie Database
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Ben Stein Exposes Richard Dawkins": [Dinesh D'Souza, 4-18-08]
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Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom...What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel!