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Fiddler on the Roof

Fiddler on the Roof quotes

34 total quotes


View Quote Lazar Wolf: How is your brother-in-law? In America?
Tevye: Oh, he's doing very well.
Lazar Wolf: Oh, he wrote you?
Tevye: No, not lately.
Lazar Wolf: Then how do you know?
Tevye: If he was doing badly, he would write.
View Quote Perchik: In this world it is the wealthy who are criminals. Someday their wealth will be ours.
Tevye: That would be nice. If they would agree, I would agree.
View Quote Chava: [to Tevye] The world is changing, Papa.
View Quote Now listen, Tzeitel! If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
View Quote [to God] Sometimes I wonder, when it gets too quiet up there, if You are thinking, "What kind of mischief can I play on My friend Tevye?"
View Quote Motel Kamzoil: Even a poor tailor is entitled to some happiness!
View Quote Tevye: Thank you, your honor. You are a good man. If I may say so, it's too bad you're not a Jew.
Constable: [laughs] That's what I like about you, Tevye. You're always joking.
View Quote Perchik: I'm a very good teacher.
Hodel: I heard that the Rabbi who must congratulate himself has a congregation of one.
View Quote [to God] As the good book says... aaahh, why should I tell You what the good book says?
View Quote Lazar Wolf: Have a drink?
Tevye: I won't insult you by saying no.
View Quote Constable: You're an honest, decent person. Even though you are a Jew.
Tevye: Oh... Thank you, your honor. How often does a man get a compliment like that?
View Quote Hodel: We only have one Rabbi, and he only has one son. Why shouldn't I want the best?
View Quote [to God] It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. After all, with Your help, I'm starving to death.
View Quote Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as... as a fiddler on the roof!
View Quote Perchik: You'll all chatter yourselves away into the grave.