Geek Charming quotes
4 total quotes
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Dylan: [splattered with food] You... you GEEK! This is designer!
Josh: No, it's tuna noodle casserole.
Dylan: You are so gah-ross!
Josh: "Gross" is just one syllable.
Josh: No, it's tuna noodle casserole.
Dylan: You are so gah-ross!
Josh: "Gross" is just one syllable.
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Josh: So, populars only hang with populars?
Dylan: Cats don't hang with dogs, right?
Josh: Really? THAT'S your argument?
Dylan: It's better this way. If everyone stays with their own group, there's no chance for misunderstandings.
Dylan: Cats don't hang with dogs, right?
Josh: Really? THAT'S your argument?
Dylan: It's better this way. If everyone stays with their own group, there's no chance for misunderstandings.
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Josh: Sorry, guys. I got stuck in traffic on the diva freeway.
Steven: Wow. Where's your lunch?
Josh: Dylan Schoenfield's wearing it.
Steven: Wow. Where's your lunch?
Josh: Dylan Schoenfield's wearing it.
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Josh: Why so determined to be Blossom Queen?
Dylan: Because it's the best way to ensure lifelong popularity.
Josh: Aren't you already popular?
Dylan: Let me ask you this: does Sunshine Lemonade advertise?
Josh: Yeah, they have the commercial with the waterskiing penguins.
Lola: Oh, I like the penguins!
Dylan: Sunshine is already number one. They don't need to advertise but they do to STAY number one. Get it?
Josh: Got it.
Dylan: Good.
Dylan: Because it's the best way to ensure lifelong popularity.
Josh: Aren't you already popular?
Dylan: Let me ask you this: does Sunshine Lemonade advertise?
Josh: Yeah, they have the commercial with the waterskiing penguins.
Lola: Oh, I like the penguins!
Dylan: Sunshine is already number one. They don't need to advertise but they do to STAY number one. Get it?
Josh: Got it.
Dylan: Good.